Week 3
21-27 Jan 2013
I was anxious coming week 3 because there would be 5 days long holiday including weekend . HELP! The temptation definitely would be enormous! When I was about to go all out on 3 day exercise, the holiday only enabled me to go to the gym on Tuesday as Thurs and Friday we were off to Perlis. 'How now, brown cow?' I was so nervous, I even prepared an A4 note to remind me of my goal or at least maintain the kgs.
So I was thinking 'Calorie intake would be rising and no 'calorie out?' I need to think of something to use up the calorie in! (definitely harder when you're on holiday)
What I did was on Thursday morning after I got up, I hopped and did jumping jacks to increase my heartbeat and did some yoga. Hoping the activities could be considered as a physical activity to consume the calories I would be taking that day, at least better than nothing.

When travelling, I drank 1.6ltr Tea Mix and stopped for lunch at KFC, Gopeng. Opt for chicken wrap which came with some mushrooms and corn. OK, so far so good and drank more until we reached Perlis at about 7pm. Time for dinner shake but it would be too obvious so I waited until 8pm. Before that I weighed (yes, I brought the scale with me) myself quietly in the bedroom. 70.4kg. OKlah, 0.5kg increase, I was expecting more. End of Travelling Day 1. Then, the challenges got harder....
Parents in law was asking 'awat tak makan, pi la makan' for dinner. I only managed a smile. My beloved hubby who is so supportive understood my dilemma and kept giving me encouragement to stick to my diet. The next morning, my mother in law asked me 'Awat tak nak makan, diet ka? Isk, tak mau makan langsung ka?' I know I
need to be frank about going on a diet, or else how people are going to understand your changes... So with humourous tone, I said 'kali ni ja, nanti balik lain boleh makan lagi' :-)
The misconception about dieting is people think that you're not eating at all whereas you only reduce your portion and carefully selecting what you are putting into your mouth. So it's not that I was not eating, I was only eating less. Other than that, same thing.... Intake ok, water ok, little exercise (like Thurs morning) ok... until I couldn't resist pasar malam food temptations! Had sate + ayam panggang + 2 pieces murtabak @ 9pm and when to sleep at 10.30pm! The effect was my kg maintained at 70.4kg.

Day 3 to day 5 were kind of stagnant if not rising.... On the last day (Monday), I weighed 72.4kg. I blamed my period because it was my first day (although I ate various stuff and drank less, afraid of water retention).
On Tuesday, I still didn't lose hope because I have 5 days before the final weigh in. Actually, I was in between....about to give in as in "que sera sera, what ever will be, will be''.... HELP!
Sacrifices/efforts I made during the holidays:
- Consciously follow the right portion of my food
- Consciously choose protein over carbo (lots of chicken instead of rice)
- Ate a lot of fruits whenever I saw tempting snacks
- I did have some snacks but I controlled the portion
- Managed to squeezed in some time to exercise/yoga about 30 min
- Keep reminding myself of my goal although the scale was not on my side
So, there were slight changes in my behaviour compared to normal. Hopefully these will turn into habits that will drive me towards healthier lifestyle. Aminnnnn.....
Courtesy of pictures:
Kg loss Week 1 - Week 3
Week 1= 1.2kg
Week 2= 1.3kg
Week 3= 1.7kg*
Total loss = 4.2kg
* I cheated on Sunday Week 3 because I wanted the scale to start hitting 60s (69.9kg) by drinking less. Shame on me