Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Herbalife progress_Week 1

Week 1
7 - 13 Jan 2013

Everything went fine until Friday. I wanted to go home early but suddenly I was needed to solve some problems at the office. Sigh...
I was eager to go to have my 'dinner' at home (Shake F1)...Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! It was already 7.00pm. I was so so hungry!... I had to ask my friend if she had something to eat. She had desserts and steamed chickpeas. I chose chickpeas (although the Gardenia chocolate bun was tempting) and ate about 1/2 cup. I decided not to take Herbalife for dinner thinking the calories has piled up from the chickpeas and it was too late to take the shake after 9pm. Boy....I was so wrong. I can take the shake even before I sleep. My 'coach' says the body can quickly absorb the shake and I need the nutrients for weight loss.

I didn't lose much weight after that. During the weekend, my weight stayed stagnant although I jogged moderately round a netball field x 3 (new activity to complete 3 physical activities per week). I also had grilled fish and maybe 1.5 cup white rice and stir fry veg on Sat. For Sunday, I had nasi ayam for lunch and cautiously controlling my portion of rice. I also had chicken & beef satay around 8-10 sticks. I felt I should have lost some weight because I was aware that I need to control my portions plus the added physical activity which I don't normally do.
The cheat's guide to exercise: Pedalling as fast as you can for five, 30-second intervals could be enough to burn 200 calories
I weigh myself twice a day bearing in mind this is just for data collection. I remind myself not to be affected by the numbers as it is not advisable to weigh too often (it may have demotivating effect when you see the numbers do not move). On both days Sat and Sun, my weight in the morning is 71.1kg. In the afternoon (logically you'll weigh more because you eat and drink compared to when you just get out of bed), my weight didn't budge at 72.2kg (it even increased by 0.1kg). That was my weight on Thursday night!

I expected my weight to drop a bit because of the low calorie intake. So when the scale showed on the contrary, I was about to get demotivated. When I'm writing this, it's already Day 2 of Week 2. Guess what, for Day 1 the number was still the same!

I started to think of extreme options instead of adopting healthier habits. Totally eliminate rice? Don't have my lunch? Give up?

Luckily, I was thinking of taking the ketone test. I took the ketone test right after I got off the bed this morning, not expecting anything (because the weight was stagnant). Then I saw the test strip quickly turned from faint yellow to maroon. Wow! That really got me excited! I never had that colour when I was on SDII! Maroon means moderate burning of fat. More about ketone and ketosis here. Then, I'm motivated again and asked myself to be patient and just do the best that I can.
This was my ketostix result five days into my CKD
Pic taken from here

Today, I went to gym for 1 hour doing the threadmill with max speed of 6.5 kmh burning 155cal in 20 mins. Keep up the good work ok!

P/S: My reason for the stagnant weight is poor portion control although I reduced carbo :-). Things to improve on this week :-)

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