Monday, January 21, 2013

Herbalife Progress_Week 2

Week 2
14 -20 Jan 2013

Again, I was pondering on Friday night why my weight has not decreased the amount I expected.
Total loss Week 1 = 1.2kg
Total loss Week 2 = 0.8kg

I even went to the gym 3 times (Tue/Thur/Fri) to really work on it, you know. And I was frustrated my weight on Saturday is the same as on Friday (71.5kg). Why? Oh Why?

I tried to think about everything on Saturday morning:
My menstrual won't start until end of the month
I drink as prescribed
I eat with controlled portion
I avoid greasy and fattening foods
I drank Tea Mix more than prescribed

Then it came to my mind, my bowel movement!
A picture of a toilet
So I decided to take a colon cleanse pill later that night and the next day I felt energized. The weight show slight reduction but I was more than happy.

On Sunday night, we went to Alamanda and as usual, my kids wanted to eat at Rasa. I was nervous, whether I could resist the temptation. It was dinner time so I do need to eat. Decided to have Sisters' Crispy Roll x 2 but my hubby ate 1 roll (bravo!). We got home around 9.30pm. I felt kinda full so decided not to take Herbalife (bad decision?).

Before I went to bed, I weighed myself for the last data for week 2. It was 71kg! A drop of 0.5kg! I was even more happy! So the statistics now changed to

Total loss Week 1 = 1.2kg
Total loss Week 2 = 1.3kg Yeay!

Still....Not so much to win the contest :-(

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