Friday, March 8, 2013

Updated. Pinjam. Rezeki. Sedekah

I googled about 'pinjam and sedekah' after I posted the previous post. Alhamdulillah, I got the explanantion that I wanted from their blogs:
Yunus Badawi
Yaya Azura

Lesson learnt:
To lend gives more pahala than to donate

And my situation involves 2 parties:
  1. me the lender
  2. him the borrower

As a lender, by willing to lend him money I actually helping him to settle whatever his problem at that moment. Allah SWT likes that....

Whether he will pay back, it is between him and Allah SWT because as a borrower, he has the obligation to pay back.

Allah has promised my share and that is all I need to know. Better still, if I know he can't pay back, I should just let it go....And at the same time I should remind him about responsibility as a borrower so he too will get blessing from Allah SWT.

Thank you to the bloggers above. Alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah.........

Pinjam. Rezeki. Sedekah

Somebody was asking me to lend him money. He sounded desparate but from past records, the possibility of him not paying back is there. Coincidentally, I did have that much amount he asked for which I kept aside to save for my new handphone which I planned to buy in 2 months (my Iphone 3GS is damaged and currently I'm using a Samsung. He said he will pay back and I said to him 'Please, please pay me back'.

As a background, previously I thought I don't have that much to share. I donate when I feel I have extra. I seldom treat my friends or family, which I do only on special occasion e.g when I get promoted or bonuses. Unlike some people who treats whenever they have or don't have extra. I used to think they make more than I do while my pay was only enough to make ends meet and settle my credit card.
I seldom go on a shopping spree but I don't mind spending on brand and quality. Due to that, I'm willing to save and buy nothing this month so I can get what I want next month. My monthly pay is divided into savings and zakat, car loan, contribution for the household and parents, credit card and monthly maintenance e.g lunch at work and fuel. Most of the time I had to scheme on fuel and lunch because the balance would be just enough and at the same time I thought I should leave it there in the account in case of emergency.
What's lingering in my mind is if the extra money that I save to pay someone else was borrowed by someone else who promise to pay back (which I doubt he will because he has poor cash management), should I ask him to pay back or should I just let it go?

Don't you always heard that we need to have savings  at least 3 months salary for emergency. And save for the things that you want instead of buying on credit card. I followed that advice and now I'm a bit confused on how to incorporate that into the concept of 'rezeki' and 'sedekah'.

I have learnt that when I don't get what I want there and then, it's just not my rezeki. So maybe in this situation, it is just not my rezeki to pay my own debt?

At the moment I'm writing this, I feel relieved of letting go the borrowed money. It wasn't the case yesterday when I was thinking on how to get the money back, because I too owe someone else.

The dilemma now is should I or should I not call him up asking him to pay back when secretly I feel like I'm not gonna get my money?

Another thought is, should I lent him money in future if I know he's not gonna pay? I don't know. Currently I feel like only giving him the amount that I'm comfortable with so I don'thave to worry whether I'll get it back. I'll give it as sedekah.

After reading a book 'Mudahnya Menjemput Rezeki' by Fathuri Salehuddin, I'm learning to accept this situation as this:
  1. If he doesn't pay, then it is not my rezeki to pay my own debt. It is his and insyaallah I will get something in return from Allah SWT if I redha.
  2. If he pays, then it's good for him and me and the person who I owe. Berkatilah kehidupan kami, Ya Allah.
  3. Just let this go, it's only money. What I should be concern about is keredhaan Allah SWT.
I also want to treat/donate as often as I can believing not all that I earn is all my rezeki but some are the rezeki of others...

Ya Allah, aku bersyukur ke hadratMu di atas pencerahan ini. Semoga aku lebih tabah dan redha menjalani kehidupan dengan bimbinganMu, Ya Allah......

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting motivated again

It's been a month since the Weight Loss Challenge ended on 5 Feb. I was very lenient last month but now I need to focus. The target is 5kg per month so by end of March, I should lose 15kg. Weight loss to date is 6.1kg (8.9kg to go). I printed the 'Daily Diet Watch' sheet (devised by myself) to track what I eat and the changes in weight from one day to the next.

Colleagues also noticed the weight loss. I could fit in most of old clothes although still need to work out the tummy area. Need to buy new clothes too to boost the motivation further.
Post Image
Looking back, I thank Allah for giving me the strength to strive. I remembered thinking 'I could never fit in my old clothes and I need to donate them'. Need to take pictures so I will always remember this feeling of joy. I feel like I have accomplished something and at the same time I want to share with others, really.

I shall pray hard and work hard to ensure my dream with Herbalife will come true. What are my dreams? Financial freedom is the key word and the detailed list is still in progress. First I need to focus on gaining enough volume points to qualify as a Supervisor. I give myself 2013-2014 (2 years).

Good for reading Weight Watchers
For motivational weight loss quotes here

Friday, March 1, 2013

My first customer!

child very excited

I'm so EXCITED! I have my first customer today! He wanted the 2ltr polycarbonate water bottle. So I checked the price on the website, informed him the price and he gave a nod. I just could not believe it!

Seem like I'm over excited but hey, you just don't know how insecure I am and how I don't believe in myself in doing direct marketing (I try not to use MLM word). I regard this as a good sign that I should do my best in promoting the brand. I do too want to help other people to start living healthy and share what I know.
Since he is my first customer, I decided to give him personal discount. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki (me and him) and segala urusan dipermudahkan. Aminnnnn....