Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sabar & Israk & Mikraj

Bersabarlah dalam 3 perkara:

  1. Bersabar menghadapi ujian
  2. Bersabar dalam membuat kebaikan
  3. Bersabar ketika menjauhi kemungkaran

In sha Allah, berkat kesabaran kita, akhirnya akan membuahkan kejayaan.

Peristiwa Iskraj & Mikraj itu ialah tanda kekuasaan Allah SWT di mana kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku memang tidak dapat diterima oleh akal manusia e.g travelling from Mekah ke Palestin in a day & human travelling from earth to langit ke 7 in such a short time. Dan diperlihatkan kepada Rasulullah kejadian-kejadian yang akan berlaku di akhirat kelak.

p/s: di petik dari radio IKIM ketika sedang memandu ke opis sempena hari Israk & Mikraj.

Good information for maid passport renewal

Will be renewing my maid's passport next week. Have been doing background readings and preparing required documents. Determined to complete the process by noon.

Good information gained here MY NOTZS
Thanks to the blog owner!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Picnic @ Kemensah

Last weekend we made an ad hoc plan to have a picnic at Kemensah, somewhere near Gombak located at the back of Zoo Negara.
My husband wanted to do something so I suggested to have a picnic and he suggested Kemensah. Never been there but hey, this is ADVENTURE all about!
We were in Puchong area on Saturday for a wedding and stopped by at Pasar Borong Sri Kembangan on the way back to get some stuff for BBQ. I went to Sri Ternak recommended by my aunt and got 2kg New Zealand lamb shoulder for RM45 and they can cut the meat for you. Burger bun and meat, sausages and yellow onions were also on the list and overall total RM is around RM70.

When my husband told the kids about the plan when we got home, Abang then asked 'Best ke Abah?' after he excitedly said "Yeay!" This is how I explained to him:
Me: Abang ingat tak masa kita pergi Krabi?
Abang: Ingat!
Me: Best tak?
Abang: Yang naik kapal terbang tu? Ingat! Ingat! (with excited face)
Me: Ha'ah. Tapi yang ni tak naik kapal terbang la. Sebelum pergi Abang tahu tak Krabi tu macam mana?
Abang: Emmm... tak tahu...
Me: Tapi Abang rasa best tak bila dah sampai sana?
Abang: Best!
Me: Hah, sama la macam ni. Kita tak pernah pergi sana tapi kita dah rasa best. Ni la namanya ADVENTURE!
Abang: Oooo......

So we took off at about 8.20am and reached there before 9.00am. The road was rather small and all the 'chalets' of 3 providers were fully booked.  I suggested we head to Janda Baik but my husband decided to just look for a spot because it is hard to get out (we had to reverse a long way when cars coming up as there were cars parked on both sides of the small road). We had no choice but to pick a spot behind where we parked our Estima which to me was nice but smeared by litter of ice cream wrappers and polysterine. Sigh but hey! Isn't this ADVENTURE all about?!

Apart from the unbelievable small road, I think the picnic was an A+! My mission to BBQ was accomplished, the kids had fun, the spot was safe enough (ignoring the litter) for the kids, truly a small adventure!

Kemensah also left its mark on my husband's Estima. Got it when he reversed on the side on the way down the road.

Thank you Allah!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weddings in February

This post was drafted in February but I only got this posted in May. Shame on me...

Wow.... what a hectic February. Hectic as in I had to think on what to wear which was so not me. I usually just wear what's available because no point of me to dress up with my little kids running around pulling my clothes, slapping melting ice cream on my lap.....

I guess due to timing and venue, I got to dress up this time. My cousins who are siblings were getting married one after another so the receptions was all in February, one weekend after another. First, the younger brother was solemnized at Masjid Biru Shah Alam so I wore a jubah. The reception was held the next day and I wore the orange baju kurung.
The next Thursday/Friday, the older brother was solemnized at The Duchess. It's where a lot of KL people or celebrities hold their reception and the ceremony was attended by Datuk Hishamuddin. Then, the reception at PWTC held at night.

Lastly, my auntie's reception combined for both of her sons at Pusat Penyelidikan Veterinar in Cheras. I just wore a Thai silk kurung paired with checked kain tenun Terengganu. The kurung was made in 2005 while the checked sarung was made in 2000, when I got married. Previously the sarung was paired with a plain maroon kebaya.

Below are pics of outfits I wore after much deliberation here.

My first tailor made jubah

Revamped orange kurung. This is the only picture I have

Modern kurung matched with old gold sarung.

Bought husband's batik shirt to match just hours before leaving for the event.

With aunties and mum at The Duchess

Datuk Hishamuddin as the VIP guest.
The reception @ PWTC
With sister and sis in laws

Thai silk kurung and kain tenun Terengganu. Old pair but never had pictures taken in it

Spend & Splurge & Save

It's bonus time. As usual we as the 'hardworking employee' (muhaha!) shall plan how to make use of the extra money. My plan, save some & spend some. However, only the later is going smoothly as planned (or more on things NOT PLANNED!)

On the SAVING side:
Yes, of course I want to save some of my bonus. Now, it's easier to transfer the money into my ASB savings account BUT I couldn't locate where the saving passbook is. I might not be able to withdraw the money when I want to use them so I haven't done the transfer yet. Darn!

Excuses, excuses! I just need to be strong and focus on locating the passbook!

On the SPEND side:
settle my credit card_done
new lounge chairs_done
And many more to come!

Moaning about work

I was so consumed with work that I haven't updated this blog as often as I wanted to. With my boss being attached to an HQ project and new tasks being handed over to me, I always get home late around 7.30 pm although I reach office very early, before 8.00 am. Sometimes I think I deserve the best employee award because I work more than 8 hours and I totally do my work instead of doing things on the side e.g surfing.

Apr/ May is bonus time. Alhamdulillah I achieved more than average 2 years in a row. I feel very much appreciated for the work I did which was out of my core function last year. Then I heard  a startling 'news' (or more like a gossip) and ruined my grateful feeling...Sigh.....Someone else is being rewarded the highest recognition although I think that employee has don't nothing (that I know of). 

I was all grateful with my rezeki but now it is ruined with jealousy and dissatisfaction. I have to keep telling myself ' 'rezeki Allah SWT yang tentukan' and who am I to question about it. 

To be a good muslim, I have to mind my own business and do the best I can. In sha Allah, my faith in Allah SWT will reward me here as well as Hereafter.

Ya Allah! Berikan aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi situasi ini dan sentiasa bersyukur ke atas rezeki yang telah Engkau limpahkan, Amin....