Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hubby's 39th birthday @ 30th July

The same card my hubby gave me for my b'day!
We hardly communicate since weekend. I felt as if he ignored me and nearly wanted to ignore his birthday as a reaction to his ignorance. Have I made him mad that he ignores me lately? Why is he not talking?

Then I bought his card 2 days before and wrote briefly because I was really tight with deadlines. I was quite sure this year would be the most insignificant birthday for him.

I woke up at 5am on 30th July as usual wondering what should I do. Then it came to my senses that whatever I do today, is for the love I have for him. Because he has given me so much that have made me a better person.

I seriously haven't got to think of a plan to surprise him, until that 5am. I would be off to work by the time he woke up. Then I had this idea of leaving little notes to communicate to him. I left 8 notes:
  1. bathroom mirror
  2. on his talc
  3. on the large mirror
  4. in his undies drawer
  5. on the side mirror of his car
  6. in his wallet
  7. in his laptop
  8. on the gear box

all with lovey dovey messages so he would take off the notes. Why? So I know he has read them as he would not leave them there and let our helper see them!

At this point, I know I really love him because doing this have made me excited! It totally lifted up my spirit and energy for the day.

On the last note that I left on the gear box of his car, I asked me to send me a message to say "YES" if he agrees to go out for dinner with me. Actually it was my tactic to know whether he was mad at me. If he was mad, he would ignore the note. If he was not, he would play along.

At the office, I checked my inbox at 8.30am and no message from him. I told myself that regardless of the outcome, at least I've done my best to make his day.

Then I checked again at 9.00 and he replied! I was really glad! Later in the afternoon, he sent another message thanking me for all the little notes.

So I brought him and the kids to dinner at Bangi Gateway later that night. I reserved a spot at Daidamon Restaurant, a place we've never been. Supposed it serves Japanese/Korean style food.
The meat for BBQ-uing

Jasmin trying out

These come as a set: fruits, veggies, rice, dippings

Something that Irdina ordered....
 The day turned out better that OK. Alhamdulillah!

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