Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Happy News

A friend of mine informed me a piece of exciting good news! Ya Allah rasa nak nangis, terasa Allah SWT telah makbulkan doa aku! This is still preliminary but I pray to Allah SWT to ease the way. I'm happy for her because I do pray for her. She is such a nice person and she deserves to be happy. It's not that she's not happy all this while but I think she deserves meaningful happiness. As fitrah, everyone does have a feeling to have someone they could love and be loved by... that's what I think....

Image result for malay wedding

It is as if her wishes come true, she will quit her job and start her new life, back in her hometown. I will miss her dearly but I wish everything nice for her!

Of all the sad news I've had starting early of this year, this really has lightened and cheered me up!

Then, it hits me...What about me? Where will I be next? Will I still be here? I wish I don't!...

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