Thursday, April 1, 2021

Should I quit?

I'm really considering to quit. Apparently my company may be offering VSS. At first thought, memang rasa nak ambik. Banyak kali dah cakap kat hubby, he response is always the question, 'kalo berenti nak buat apa?' Memang belum boleh jawab soklan tu sebab dalam kepala nak buat menda yang selama ni tak dapat buat....consistent yoga, mengaji, put my leg up, join Mak Long, kemas rumah etc. Tapi soklan hubby tu ialah pasal aktiviti yang mendatangkan RM...erkkk...

Last week, aku termenangis lepas berdoa kepada Allah SWT. VSS ni semacam peluang atau jalan Allah SWT beri and menjawab doa aku selama ini. Aku minta nak berenti kerja awal supaya aku boleh mengumpul harta akhirat. I was emotionally crying that I myself was surprised....

Yes, on 1st thought mmg nak ambik VSS tu but I still have my commitment. EVO RM1,200 and JPA RM800. Kalo aku tak keje, sapa pulak la nak bayo..

Husband bagi idea main saham and freelance. Great! Yes! I've been wanting to do that and I didn't get to because of work. Aku macam boleh bayang aku buat kerja tu...

Why nak quit

Largely because I'm done with what I'm doing...boleh tak. Dah tak tahan la buat keje macam-macam, request tak tentu masa. Aku pun bukan jenis menolak, tak reti nak cakap NO. Change is the new constant as they say and aku tak tahan....rasa habis masa buat keje, sampai masak pun tak sempat walaupun duduk rumah. I think I'm done with receiving orders.

Aku pun takda rasa confident untuk teruskan kerja aku. Aku mmg low confidence dari dulu. Nama je ada ACCA tapi aku takda pengalaman buat akaun pun. Tu yang aku termenangis tu...lama dah rasa macam tu.

The only thing that makes me hesitant is my RM commitment or else I would just go and take the VSS. Ya Allah, beri la aku jalan dalam masa beberapa bulan ni supaya aku dapat income lain supaya aku boleh quit kerja aku sekarang

 I have to start reading on investment and freelancing.....have to make something within these 3 months....Ya Allah! Permudahkan lah

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