Friday, April 1, 2022

Premium Saham Mastery 2.0: Dah bayar!

Hari ni aku dah bayar RM597 untuk join kelas berbayar pasal saham. Bismillah! Ya Allah! Permudahkan lah urusan ku. Capaikan la cita-cita ku untuk menjana keuntungan daripada saham sebagai sara hidup ku...

My target and goal

Today 1 Apr 2022, I begin my newbie class to learn about stocks and trade and to learn for 6 months.

By Sept 2022 I should be able to start trading with RM1k - RM2k. Remember 'rugi itu pasti, untung itu rezeki'. Target small and keep consisten +ve

PakYa says to give 5 years to start trading with RM10k. I don't have that much time. I give myself 3 years to be comfortable trading with RM10k

My other target (how much to make, purpose) will be updated as we go along

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