Saturday, March 11, 2023

How do I want to write my story?

 I was reading back my previous posts and I wanted to come back to this question: 

How do I want to write my story?

I used to be self limiting, lack of confidence and have no plans to accomplish something. Then COVID 19 pandemic happened and I wondered whether life is nudging me to re-look my life...Am I happy with what I'm doing? Is this the life that I pictured in my mind? Other people seem progressing and I think I have not progressing toward my goals. What is my goal?

My goal was too general...Lead a happy life. So am I currently happy? Yes, to a certain extent. I have a loving husband, loveable kids, a job that provide benefits, able to do and buy what I want (although still thinking I can't afford a LV)....but I still feel I'm missing something.

  • I want to re-write and reset my life
  • I want to tap into my creative side
  • I want to achieve something. I want to be able to earn a little bit from digital and social media (Youtube/IG/TikTok). I can imagine myself sitting at a desk for hours strategizing or producing videos.
There are so many things I need to do and learn to be able to accomplish these. I'm giving myself a challenge to work on myself

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