2 Feb 2013
Guess what....I did not attend the finale! I couldn't believe myself. After all the sacrifices.... What can I say? Well, Allah SWT knows better and things happen for a reason....

My 'coach' did update me though; the winner lost a whopping 14kg! Wow!
2nd prize = 11kg, 3rd price = 10kg. The 4th prize winner was a lady with loss of 7kg
Okay, the weight I lost was not even close so I didn't achieve my goal. Was I disappointed? Yes, for not going + not winning. However, I am now 5kg lighter! Yeay!
My overall achievement is
Weight Loss = 5kg (target 6kg) % Loss = 6.7% (target 8%)
Looking back, I should be proud of myself. I tried in 2012 and only managed to lose about 3.5kg within 6 months (and later gained back again).... Still to early to see whether I'll gain back the 5kg...I hope not....
So what's next? My 'coach' ask me to take a 3-4 mths package costing around RM2.5k to get me to my ideal weight (about 15kg loss) The 2.5k include a one time registration fee of RM98. Should I take it or not? To me, anything that gets more than 1k will need serious thinking. When I do some thinking, I will need some time. Sometimes I wonder how can people think quickly within split second and make a decision. The cost, my commitment for 3 months, can I really do it, business opportunity.... I've been thinking about the last point lately but just too scared of the unknown. I decided to do serious thinking on Monday and just splurge for the weekend after the 4 week Weight Loss Challenge. My splurges were:

- Good lunch at Littlte White Cafe (Roast Chicken + Cranberry juice + Bread Pudding)
- 1/2 portion white rice + fried egg + kicap + tomato sauce for dinner
- Small portion of nasi lemak for Sunday snack
- 1/2 portion curry pasta + Crispy popia for Sunday lunch @ Alamanda
- Bought 2 belts at RM51 (which I thought can be paired with my new blouse but I don't think they work now)
- Keropok + Ubi + sambal + mee sup + carbonated drink for snack
- Small portion of nasi lemak for dinner
Hokey, need to get back to the game and my weight this morning is 70kg.
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