Monday, February 25, 2013

The 1st step

Yesterday I attended my first Success Training Seminar STS at IOI Marriot Putrajaya. Program was from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Ticket was RM30 (early bird price). I went there alone to witness myself what Herbalife gathering is all about as I didn't know who else want to accompany me as this was an 'MLM event'.
Before STS
My expectation I guess very much like everyone else who are still not convinced i.e skeptical with MLM. "Must be like other MLM where they try to lure you with all the success stories, millions made etc".The funny thing is I've never attended any other MLM gathering but through other people's experience. And there I was observing the attendees, carrying or wearing Herbalife merchandise enthusiastically clapping and singing to "You're simply the best" by Tina Turner. I even thought I would leave early expecting I would be bored.

After STS
I stayed until the end. That's a good sign. I jotted down notes so I guess I gained something from the event. I know what my next target although still not sure whether I can achieve it. Final conclusion, yes, if you want to start with Herbalife it doesn't hurt to go to this event. If you're in between, you might or might not join the boat depending on your confidence level.

In conclusion, yeah... Why not.... I got to be with different set of people with different way of thinking. One 1st experience gained and all the best with my Herbalife journey!

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