Monday, February 25, 2013

Post WLC

It's been 22 days i.e 3 weeks after the Weight Loss Challenge. I've been quite lenient in terms of food choice although still following the right portions. Still trying not to snack although sometimes I couldn't resist. I didn't take Herbalife for a week as I finished my stock while waiting for my 2k order to arrive. I only weigh myself in the morning and still go to the gym twice a week.

My weight now is 66.9 kg. That is 2.6 kg less from WLC weight of 69.5kg. That's about 1.3kg per week or 0.8kg per week if I want to count in the 1 "without Herbalife" week.

Yeay! Good job! I still haven't rewarded myself. My husband has by giving me RM1,500 cash! Thank you Abah! I really appreciate it! Muah! Muah!

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