Tuesday, May 7, 2013

At the age of 38

At the age of 38, I strongly feel I want a responsible government. Previously, I didn't feel general election is important enough until I read Rafizi Ramli's entry. He said something about future education. Yes! I too want the public education system to be revamped and offers opportunities as good as private schools. From the way he wrote, only now I feel there is hope for things to change.
However, I didn't vote at GE13 because I still have not changed the voting location to where it is convenient for me to do so :-(

At the age of 38, I think I need to do something about the way I dress, my physical appearance and accept such effort will cost my hard earned money. I started to assess my wardrobe and found out I haven't spent on quality clothes since 2008. I did buy some here and there and the deciding factor whether to buy is the price. Thus some clothes actually don't represent me but I bought them because the offer was hard to miss.
Back then, my choice of clothes also limited to baggy tops to cover my overweight shape and limited trousers. Now that I have embarked on my quest to live healthy and to achieve my ideal weight, I seem to have more clothes to wear (of course since all my quality clothes are in size 12s and that now I can wear them again). I managed to let go pieces that I love but won't suit my age anymore to give way for new collection (yeay!)
I'm also learning to buy quality handbags i.e assess the material and put price as second (I though still set a RM limit to how much I can spend)

At the age of 38, I think I know what my real interest in work. I want to be able to use historical data for assessment of the future of a business (I think....) I'm not really interested in ledgers although to know is an advantage. I'm more interested in doing budgets, strategies, improve stuffs and assess performance. I think...

At the age of 38, I finally understood the role of a wife to a husband.

At the age of 38, I looked back and noticed I haven't done enough for the kids. I should control my anger, complement good behaviour and penalise bad behaviour. Be firm and appreciate them more. Spend more time with them. Not on the road on the way to shopping malls/kampung but more of doing things with them ie gardening, cooking, make the bed etc. If I love them enough, I should be able to find time and instill good values, good behaviour, dream big and care less of what others say. I want to teach them to be able to accept obstacles are always there on the road to success. These values and life survival skills are not taught elsewhere. The best people to do it are parents and the best place to teach them is at home.

A lot of things I have discovered and suddenly make sense to me at the age of 38. Is this what they called maturity? Does this mean I finally mature at the age of 38? If anger is a sign of maturity, my husband is matured long before me because he hardly raised his voice. While I easily got angry in the past, I finally think getting angry won't solve anything...

Finally, at the age of 38 I strongly feel I need good treatment to iron out my wrinkles!

P/S: Election Day 505. Went to cinema to watch Iron Man 3 (recommended) 605.
Iron Man 3 theatrical poster.jpg

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