Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hunting for new armchairs

Went to The Gardens to watch Iron Man 3. Came across IWANNAGOHOME store. Spot few designs of armchairs... and this is what I want! Love! Love! Love!.... Didn't take any pictures, thought I was not allowed. Bengong! Tanya je la...

Price? RM999 each chair, a pair would be RM1,998. What do you think? Expensive? OK? If price is not an issue, I would have bought them! Not sure whether I can get cheaper sets at other shops, if there is any. I haven't been surveying but I know from the last furniture hunt in 2010, I didn't find any shops that fit my taste. Until now....

Are shops in KL have more to offer that fit my taste (but not the price tag!)? Should I start surveying shops in KL? I can't stop thinking about the armchairs now....

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