Thursday, May 16, 2013

Teachers' Day 2013

I don't know why I'm so in high spirit today. I guess it has a lot to do with me feeling contented to be able to put my children first before work.

Earlier on Tuesday morning, I was telling my colleagues that my daughters were asking me to provide gifts for their teachers on Teachers' Day. I said I wanted to do homemade gifts but I have reports to do thus couldn't have the time. Then they said 'Cutilah!...'

Hmm...I wondered why it did not cross my mind to take leave? Maybe because I was busy thinking about the reports I needed to prepare. Hey! The dateline is Tuesday, so if I really can submit the report on time, I could take a leave on Wednesday and fulfill my kids's request. If I've done my work, why not?! At first I was in doubt and hesitant to ask my boss because this week is our 'report week'. However, I told myself that if this is for the benefit of my children, I should fight for it.

What struck me was I keep saying that I will always put family first but why in this situation, the idea to take a break from work and entertain my children came from my friends? That really, really struck me like a lightning....

As usual I was thinking of buying something decent but then my eldest told me to prepare for 20 teachers! Hmmmm... I decided to bake fancy cookies because it is simple to make, taste good, fancy, cheaper option and the kids can help me out. The homemade trait conveys 'we really appreciate you thus we don't mind spending some time to prepare this for you'...

My wish for better education system:
  • To leverage on technology at schools so less deskjob for teachers and they can concentrate on developing the children.
  • Good quality teachers who develop the emotional, and spiritual aspects of my children
  • Good system that develop the creativity, curious mind and spirit of young children

To all my teachers....My siblings, relatives and friends who teach...Happy Teachers' Day!
Jasmin cutting the dough

Cutting smaller heart shape for friends

Plain cookies ready to be baked

Production line 1_Decorating

The output

Production line 2_Sealing & packaging

Handmade tags

4 cookies for Kasyif's teachers

Made from our sincere hearts for all the teachers :-)

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