Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1st time_TABATA

I got up at about 5am (I've been getting up early this month). I rushed to the kitchen as I need to drink 2 ltr water before Azan Subuh. Today I should start my 'maintenance' programme by doing the 4 min TABATA.

The thought process:

'Alamak tak sempatla. Selalu bangun 4.30am, nih dah kul 5. Nak minum 2 ltr lagi. Nak minum shake lagi. Cam tak sempat jek....'

I nearly failed to complete the maintenance programme on it's very 1st day! Then it came to me, 'Why did I devise the programme if I knew I couldn't accomplish it?' Ambitious ke ape?

'TABATA kan 4 minit aje!'

'Ha'ah! Ye lah!' Duh!....

The lesson:
It is normal that the body will response negatively towards doing exercise for normal people like me (does not apply to exercise freak and health concious). The brain will create many excuses. If you're conscious enough to notice that it's your brain that control the body, this time let you yourself tells the brain what to do....Make sense? :-)

Sorry brain, the body managed to do the 4 min Tabata! Heart over Brain this time!

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