Friday, November 8, 2013

Morning rush

The arrangement has changed today. Hubby sends Irdina to school and I'm in charged of Jasmin and Abang. This has been the other way around since last Raya in Aug.

Knowing me, I was dissatisfied at first. Irdina is easier to manage thus less stress. Jasmin is lately difficult to deal with when it comes to waking up early. Abang, will depend on his mood.

However, remembering my purpose, I will rise to the challenge!
rise to the challenge

My goal
Independent kids who like to raise early in the morning

My plan
6.00  I'm ready
6.15  Switch on the lights, wake everyone up. Ensure my kids perform their solat Subuh
7.45  Ready to go

Wake her up. Ask her to perform solat Subuh and shower. Be patient with herGive her encouragement. Talk to her. Praise her for all the good things she has done.

Love you Irdina! Love you Jasmin!
Love you Kasyif! Love you Lutfi!

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