Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nominated for Best Employee 2013/2014

I've been nominated! Am I happy? Maybe....

Is this an achievement? Maybe, on paper. It's supposed to be a recognition for all the hard work I've done.

Did I work hard in 2013/2014? Hell yeah! I've worked hard since I worked at the company!

Only now they recognize your hardwork? That's my personal feel. The funny thing about this award is, you should apply to be nominated, YOURSELF... So to me, it's more like you're recognizing yourself. So I never applied. I can do that myself and personally reward myself. If I ever applied, it would be more because of the 3 months personal parking space reward. But I never did even for this nomination, my superior did.

I can be bitter or feel good about this nomination. Bitter because the recognition is damn too late for me to feel appreciated by the company. I won't say I feel good because I know the process that goes behind the nomination.

All I care about is what to wear and who to bring on that day.

Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah! Thank you for the strength you've given me to survive in this life....

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