Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Writing from hospital ward

This is my 1st time writing a post from a hospital ward.

On the day he was admitted

Way to start 2015
Yes, I'm at a private hospital looking after Lutfi who is admitted for dengue. And yes, he had just recently been admitted at Batu Pahat General Hospital about 2 weeks ago for diarrhea. Read here. My way of starting 2015, huh.... I guess Allah SWT heard my resolution to focus on the kids in 2015. And it started with get to know your children and practice patience at hospital.

Today is Day 6 from day Lutfi had his fever. Apparently critical phase takes place starting from Day 4. Generally people would think they have recovered when the fever subsides. It's the opposite with dengue where we really need to watch the dengue symptoms after Day 4.
Mak Long visited and some tokens from her


Usually we are advised to see the doctor if fever takes more than 3 days. Lutfi had fever for 4 days. Heeding on the advice, I went to a private clinic and did the Complete Blood Count (CBC) test. Everything else seems OK except platelet count showed very low reading on 87 (normal range is between 150-450). The doctor suspected it was dengue but was not 100% certain because the clinic does not have a dengue testing kit. Lutfi was referred to An Nur Hospital and got admitted.
What inspired me to write this post. The boring view from the window. Hoho

Today, is our 2nd day at the hospital and this are his platelet readings:

Day 0 11 Jan (admitted): 57
Day 1 12 Jan am ; 51
Day 1 12 Jan pm : 67
Day 2 13 Jan am : 69
Day 2 13 Jan pm : 67

The hospital monitors until the platelet is on increasing trend and reach near 100 reading before confidently discharge a dengue patient.
The...err what? IV machine? Need to read my previous post. Hoho

I hope we can be discharged tomorrow but the reading seems not in our favour.

Terms learnt from this experience:

CBC = Complete Blood Test
Platelet normal range = 150,000 - 450,000

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