Sunday, May 29, 2016

OPL changed to J1FK

It's been so long that I've forgotten what OPL is! Gosh! And it is with great sadness to inform that I have abandoned the OPL project and replacing it with J1FK! :-)  Still a weight loss programme but this is at divisional level!
The idea came from them... It was on 3rd May where we hold a 'makan-makan' event for babies whose birthdays in March till June. While eating everyone what saying 'I gemuk lah'....'Camne ni'....'Asyik makan jek kita ni'...then people started to challenge one another to get thin by Raya in July.

The initiation
We discussed leisurely and came this suggestion to do a weight loss program for the division. People started to throw ideas from the duration, penalties, prizes, how and who and everyone seemed excited about it (even me!)... But as usual, no one volunteered to initiate it. I just didn't want to volunteer anymore, enough done last year with the division team building programme. I just kept quiet but I was biting my lips. This is such a brilliant idea and exciting, no one has done it at divisional level! More importantly, I've always wanted to help people to care about their health and somehow deep inside I think this is a good way to start.... I just couldn't let this good and 'healthy' ideas to waste.....ended up I threw myself (again) to lead this initiative.

My 'why' did I volunteered
I'm not being proud, I'm just being responsible.
I know my friends in OPL want to lose weight but it was hard for them. Being just the 3 of us, it was quite hard to get the motivation going. This programme which would involve more people with the same objective may help each other out in the motivation department. Being in groups is better than trying to lose weight alone. So that was how the J1FK programme was born and J1FK means


The J1FK programme
It's a 6 weeks programme. Starts on 18th May and ends on 29 June, just before we leave for Hari Raya holiday. People are divided into groups and they are suppose to help each other out. Prizes given to group and individuals with most weight loss percentage. There'll be a weekly weigh in, just to review and monitor the changes they've made in terms of calorie intake and provide motivation whenever they are down.

So far so good. We've done Week 1 and we're into Week 2. Most people seemed to follow any advice given and lost some weight in Week 1. I've lost 1.3kg too! However, I'm worried the progress in Week 2 might not be as good as people tend to wear off after Week 1.... Hope they'll stick to their goal....

My target on average, the total weight loss is 10% for the whole division. I shall keep them motivated, and give advice the best I can to help them to change their eating habit and lifestyle......

Average total week loss per week
Total participants is 23 and 5 with normal BMI (thus I don't expect them to lose weight). Total kg is 1,706kg and 10% of that total weight is 170kg. Thus weekly loss as a division should be 170/6 = 28kg per week.

Average total loss per person per week
Average per pax to lose is 170/23 = 7kg per pax within 6 weeks. This is on average, each participant should lose about 1.2kg per week.

So far, total loss in Week 1 is 24kg, 4kg behind average. Bearing in mind that weight loss may not be as fast after Week 2, I have a lot to do to keep the motivation going!!!!
Image result for workout

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