Tuesday, May 3, 2016

OPL_Progress Week 2

Week 2
25 Apr -1 May 2016

I had my period on 29th so I blame water retention and bloating as the cause why my weight remained at 70kg. I've been mindful about my intake but that alone was not enough to get the scale down to 69kg in the afternoon. Add to that was short 'balik kampung' trip which if I was not being mindful would shoot the kg to 72kg! I ate Nando's (although it was grilled 1/4 chicken, it was an 'eat out') on Friday before the kampung trip, I went to a kenduri on Saturday and later ate @ Sharin Low at 9.30pm. I didn't do Tabata as planned.

And today I ate burger at Puffy Buffy for lunch and had 'nasi minyak' at 4pm! While tomorrow I'll be attending a training with free lunch. Arggghhhh!

Despite of failing to reach 69kg, I should applause myself because I brought along fruits as snack for our road trip. I brought green apples and pear and surprisingly my kids and husband had them too.

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