Sunday, May 29, 2016

Some bad news headline for 2016

I've reached my band maximum salary and I 've already lose out 1% every month starting this year.
I felt like I'm trapped thus quickly updated my resume and applied for 1 job on JobStreet. Ya Allah! Permudahkan rezeki ku Ya Allah! Jika itu yang terbaik untuk ku....

Sekarang memang rasa malas nak kerja dah... No motivation. Rasa menyampah nak gi office. I feel like people pitying me or even worse, laughing at me.... 'She still not a manager yet? How old is she? Owh... it's OK. She seems happy with what she has, she never complains...."  Argghhhh! I think it's time for me to make a move!!!!!!

My application to reduce my study loan was rejected because I didn't achieve their minimum requirement of 2.2 (total blame on me). I will have to live with this for the rest of life. Alhamdulillah, by appreciating what I have, I have accepted my wrongdoings in the past. Human made mistakes and I feel so grateful that Allah SWT has made my path crossed with my source of strength.... my other half. Thank You Allah!

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