Sunday, May 29, 2016

Collagen drink

Totally impressed! Especially Kinohimitsu. My skin is puffed up thus lightening my laugh line. My face seems to have a better shape and fairer. I bought for RM139 with free 4 bottles. It says 30 day supply, that is if you drink as per instruction; everyday for the 1st 10 bottles and every other day for the next 10 bottles.

Then I bought Cosway Collagen Drink just to try. I've been thinking to take this for the long term so I need the product to be affordable. Cosway gives 3 pack for the price of 2, that is RM196 for 30 bottles.

I drink Cosway 1 bottle every other day. My skin stay puffed up which I can't tell whether it's due to Kinohimitsu or Cosway (because previously I drank Kinohimitsu). Which means Cosway is also as good as Kinohimitsu but somehow or rather, i think Kinohimitsu might be superior. I might be bias as I tried Kinohimitsu first and immediately saw the effect.

Kinohimitsu vs Cosway Collagen Drink cost per bottle
Kinohimitsu Collagen Diamond 5300mg RM139/ (16+4) bottles = RM6.95 per bottle

Cosway Collagen Plus Liquid Drink RM196/30 bottles = RM6.53 per bottle

So in terms of price per bottle, it doesn't differ much. However for 30 bottles, the difference is RM12.60 and provided that you get the 4 free bottles. Kinohimitsu can get up to RM8.69 per bottle if there's no offer.

Whichever way, personally I would buy either but because I hardly go to outlet such as Guardian and Watsons, I just get my collagen stock from Cosway. Plus I get 6 coupons with the purchase...

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