Friday, September 30, 2016

Post Raya weight

Things is getting out of hand. I'm back at my initial weight before starting the Herbalife program. Oh My! I desperately need to get back in shape now that I've gone through the challenges of Jasmin sitting for UPSR and facing the days without bibik. I seriously need to work on losing weight now.

Even if the effort needed is bigger this time due to my age of over 40 when my metabolism drops at a higher rate. Aku memang kena kurangkan makan. Aku kena start disiplin macam mana aku buat masa Herbalife Challenge 2013 dulu.
  1. Nak try tukar dari beras biasa ke basmathi. Nak tengok ada perubahan tak
  2. Start pergi aerobic class balik starting tomorrow. No more excuse!
  3. Start cari 15 min buat Tabata 3 kali seminggu
  4. Kurangkan gula
Target nak nampak kurus by early December which means ada 2 bulan lagi. Sebulan target turun 5kg. Seminggu turun 1.25kg. Amacam? Ada bran?????

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