Monday, January 21, 2019

Me and my weight

Yesterday I felt quite positive. I went to do Tabata @ EVO for 20 min twice: on Friday 18th and Sunday 20th. For tabata I did:
Set 1: Elliptical cycle
Set 2: Weights 2.5kg for upper arm
Set 3: Sit ups and plank for core/tummy
Set 4: Bouncing ball movements targetting my thigh and arms
Set 5: Do weights lying down
Expecting significant drop in weights but I told myself to be patient when the kg didn't budge.

Then I saw my pics during my sis in law wedding in December on her laptop. I looked overweight and I was so sad. I felt as if there was no hope. My other sis in law has lost 14kg within 3 months and that didn't help to calm down my frustration. I need a reassurance that losing weight is possible!

Luckily I wrote how I did 5 years ago in 2013. Although I did my best to follow the diet, I did slip once in a while. However, I did have a target and I documented what I had. That's all I need to do. So gear up Rafiza. Start monitoring and writing!

So what's my target this time? Today I'm 74.5kg in the morning. Had chicken porridge and 2 chicken nuggets I made myself. I have 2 weeks before Jan ends. I want to be at 72.5kg on 31 Jan meaning I need to weigh 73.5 by 25th Jan.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Feeling positive today

Alhamdulillah, rasa productive and efficient sangat last weekend. Husband takda balik Arau sekejap hari Sabtu naik flight. Pukul 5.00 pagi dah keluar. Hari Ahad dia balik by 12.30 petang.

So apa aku buat for the weekend without my hubby?

Pagi Sabtu dah antar Jasmin pergi sekolah untuk event merentas desa. Nanti dia balik pukul 12.00. Lepas antar Jasmin kat sekolah, aku pegi beli ikan/ ayam kat kedai dalam pukul 7.30 pagi. Veggies dah beli Khamis malam aritu, ikut hubby pegi Jaya Grocer Bangi Gateway. So by 8.30 am aku dah ada kat rumah so bermulalah operasi cuci ikan/ayam dah marinate mana yang perlu. Jenuh buat sampai pukul 11.30, kemas-kemas pastu amik Jasmin pukul 12.00. Dah amik Jasmin, terus beli lunch kat Mat Kimbong. Kali ni aku bawak Tupperware sendiri sebab dah selalu sangat tapau kat Mat Kimbong, aku rasa aku telah menyumbang kepada pencemaran alam sekitar! Balik rumah tu baru aku nak mandi dekat-dekat nak Zohor dah....

Pastu, pi antar Jasmin and Kasyif pegi kelas Kiddo Science pulak start pukul 2.00. Sempatla tanya Puan Marini pasal bila Jasmin/Kasyif akan complete cycle dia sebab nanti Jasmin dah nak PT3. Plan aku sama ada aku sambungkan Lutfi masuk Kiddo Science atau enroll dia for classes yang SKJ 4 buat. Tanya Lutfi dia kata dia nak. Aku kata OK and class starts March.

Dah antar dioghang, aku pegi Gulatis pulak beli kain untuk buat baju melayu untuk raya nanti. Kenapa aku tak pegi Jakel sebab aku rasa harga lebih kurang jek. Kat Gulatis aku amik kain RM25 semeter, harga asal RM48 (ye la tu!)... So total spent RM250 sebab dia suh amik 6 mtr untuk boys and 5 mtr untuk hubby. Since budak-budak tak abis kelas Kiddo lagi, aku balik rumah lepas tu.

By 4.00 memang rasa penat dah, rasa nak baring...kuang kuang....tapi kena amik Jasmin/Kasyif dulu. Pastu pikir nanti dinner nak makan sebab mmg aku tak masak kalo weekend (sbb dah penat masak weekdays kan...keh keh). Tak nak order Hot Station, dah boring. Tak nak fast food sbb dah dapat dah last week. So aku decide lepas amik dioghang, lepak sat kat EVO so boleh dinner area-area situ seblum balik rumah.

Bila sampai Evo tu memang aku tuju katil terus. Tapi sempat jugak cuci corridor and perasan ada leaking kat utility area. Budak-budak ikut suka la dioghang nak buat apa. Discuss-discuss, ajak dioghang exercise Evo esok tapi kena keluar pagi-pagi. Dioghang OK je... Tak sangka dioghang nak!

So the end the day, we had dinner at Gurume. Masing-masing order Western. Aku order mushroom soup je sbb dah makan nasi pukukl 4.00 tadi. Lepas dinner balik rumah, aku pun landing depan TV. Sekali tengok ada cerita 'Shape of Water' yang memang aku aim nak tengok. Cerita abis dalam kul 12.00 midnight... So that was Saturday.

Aku bangun dalam pukul 5.30 pagi. Badan macam tak fully recover dari penat. Tapi aku memang nak exercise pagi ni so aku kuatkan semangat. Prep air, snacks. Kasyif/Jasmin pun bangun awal, dioghang pun siap-siap. Plan aku, pegi gym and kids pegi swimming. Around 8-9 naik, breakfast and balik sebab hubby sampai je rumah, terus shoot ke Seremban tolong kakak settle laundry dia.

Gym aku buat elliptical cycle. Baru dapat idea buat count TABATA so aku buat 4 min je. Then sambung weights for arms 4 min. Sit ups/ plank for tummy 4 mins. Guna bouncing ball for legs 4 min. Total exercise 16 min. Hopefully adalah countinous 24 hour calorie burning kat situ.

By 10.00 am, pegi breakfast kat MokSu Nab. Aku suggest the kids makan roti. Nanti bungkus nasi Kak Wok, makan lunch kat rumah. Balik rumah, dioghang sume terbongkang. Keletihan + kekenyangan agaknya. Aku mandi pastu lipat baju. by 1.15 husband dah sampai from airport. The kids have had a good rest, aku pun dapat solat Zohor pastu pegi Seremban....

Gitu la ceritanya. Alhamdulillah Allah bagi rasa accomplishment. Aku rasa puas sebab dapat spend masa dengan anak-anak dengan aktiviti yang berfaedah kot apart from dapat buat apa yang aku dah plan. Kain baju melayu dah settle, nak tempah pulak lepas ni.....

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Clean eat

Sebelum ni, aku ingat exercise yang jadi penyebab turun berat badan. Masa kat Padworth College, rasa aku ni active sangat. Rajin exercise every Sunday pagi-pagi before 8.00am. Masa tu famous exercise videos. Aku follow 2 tapes, satu Cindy Crawford and satu lagi Cher! Tengok Cindy memang motivated buat exercise sbb santai dan dia lawa. Cher tak lawa tapi exercise dia memang bagus untuk lower part.... Routine dia, pergh! effective, sakit punggung lepas exercise!

Tu zaman muda masa metabolism active. Makan banyak pun, tak naik berat badan. Sekarang cerita dah lain, umur dah nak masuk 45. Tapi aku nak sihat dan kuat! So this year nak try tukar habit untuk turun berat badan meaning nak makan makanan sihat dan portion sikit. Orang kata sebenarnya weight loss ialah 80% makanan 20% exercise. Kalo dia cakap masa aku kat Padworth, tak cayo den! Haha!

Also motivated tengok posts kat Insta, aku pun nak masak and amik gambo. Some ideas to make some clean food prep and cooking:

  1. Steam carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, sweet potatoes
  2. Marinate kepingan ikan/ayam and balut guna aluminium foil
  3. My meal is simple so boleh masak sikit untuk portion 1 orang
  4. Overnight oat with dried fruits
  5. Lots of fruits and salads
Pastu aku kena fit in masa untuk exercise. Sekejap pun takpa tapi kena buat tiap-tiap hari.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Jangan tangguh

Hari ni the 1st full week of school week. Last week 3 hari je sekolah, so aku masih rilek lagi. Pagi ni aku bangun cam tak semangat, rasa letih je. Rasa nak rehat lagi... pastu wonder sebab apa. Sebab dah tak makan Royal V ke, sebab tak pergi exercise? Sebab badan dan berat? Ntah la...

Last weekend tak duduk rumah, pegi Bangi Wonderland on Saturday & pegi SGS tolong settlekan laundry Irdina sbb washing machine sekolah rosak. Aku masih belum dapat rhythm routine aku untuk 2019. Banyak menda nak buat tapi...boleh ke?

Dah call Al Baghdadi last week. Kononnya nak masukkan Lutfi and aku nak revise bacaan. Kelas dewasa Khamis malam 8.00 - 10.00, 2 jam. Alamak! Lamanya 2 jam?!  See, see...setan dah cucuk aku kat situ.

Lose weight
Nak lose weight tapi tak set target lagi. Kali ni aku nak exercise sekejap je tapi tiap-tiap hari. Sekejap tu pun tak jumpa waktu yang sesuai. Nak buat pagi, sekarang aku bangun kul 5.00. Memang sempat prepare breakfast/masak je la. Tahun ni Jasmin pun sekolah pagi so pukul 7 memang dah kena keluar.
Plan nak exercise dalam 20 min setiap pagi, then 2 kali pegi buat treadmill kat EVO. Pun tak buat apa-apa lagi since 1.1.2019


Friday, January 4, 2019

WELCOME 2019's already 2019 and next year is 2020. I remember thinking 2020 is still far ahead, back when Dr M came out with the Vision 2020 in 1991. That was 27 years ago. If I look further, in 27 years to come I'll be 70. Will I still be alive?

The future scares me. I'll be getting old, the kids will grow up and will not stay with me anymore, i will lose my mum, parent in laws, aunties and uncles....the people that are close to me. Then the war, apocalypse, pre-end of the world like Dajjal, famine , the end of the world itself.... Ya Allah! ampunkan dosa-dosa ku....

Let's talk about now, 2019....this is what I want to do in 2019:

Start enrich my vocabulary and listen to stuff related to finance, business and self improvement. Work on my confidence, manage my staff, have fun with my them. Talk more since I'll be in meetings often. Do things differently in shorter time so I can go home early and make time for myself. I don't have to do the hard work myself, let my subordinates explore to grow them while I take the helicopter view. Remember to grow my staff and appreciate them...

Enrol them in useful curricular classes and track their progress
Irdina, Saiful Nang's video classes after SPM.
Jasmin: Tuition classes to prepare for PT3. English maybe?
Kasyif: Music class maybe?
Lutfi: Reading class @ Sek 7?
Be more involved as parents at their school

Start rent it out?

Lose weight as much as I can. Don't stop at 64kg. Start build up muscle to stay strong and do cardio. Have an aim what I want to achieve in yoga.
Watch what I eat but eat everything. Start taking pics of what I eat and what I cook. Post them in Keluarga Hafizal's fb.

Be more attentive. Cook his favourite unhealthy food occasionally. Show my appreciation.

Save 24k this year for rumah Taman Makmur so I can distribute the pusaka to my siblings.

Give more. Start reading on Haji. Go to Haji courses. Appeal for Haji in Sept. Start mengaji or go to mengaji classes

Win RM1,000,000 in Bank Islam's Al Awfar account draw. I want to pray hard and seek Allah's mercy to let me win that amount of money....