Monday, January 21, 2019

Me and my weight

Yesterday I felt quite positive. I went to do Tabata @ EVO for 20 min twice: on Friday 18th and Sunday 20th. For tabata I did:
Set 1: Elliptical cycle
Set 2: Weights 2.5kg for upper arm
Set 3: Sit ups and plank for core/tummy
Set 4: Bouncing ball movements targetting my thigh and arms
Set 5: Do weights lying down
Expecting significant drop in weights but I told myself to be patient when the kg didn't budge.

Then I saw my pics during my sis in law wedding in December on her laptop. I looked overweight and I was so sad. I felt as if there was no hope. My other sis in law has lost 14kg within 3 months and that didn't help to calm down my frustration. I need a reassurance that losing weight is possible!

Luckily I wrote how I did 5 years ago in 2013. Although I did my best to follow the diet, I did slip once in a while. However, I did have a target and I documented what I had. That's all I need to do. So gear up Rafiza. Start monitoring and writing!

So what's my target this time? Today I'm 74.5kg in the morning. Had chicken porridge and 2 chicken nuggets I made myself. I have 2 weeks before Jan ends. I want to be at 72.5kg on 31 Jan meaning I need to weigh 73.5 by 25th Jan.

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