Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The weight has not budge

Today is already 5 Feb, Chinese New Year Day. My weight yesterday was still 74.5kg. I've been at this weight since the past 2 Mondays. Clearly what I'm doing is for 'maintenance' stage (still feels like in 'losing' weight mode as I really controlled my portion). A bit disappointed at first but I keep telling myself I'm about to change my lifestyle for the better so definitely this will take time. I need to identify the pitfalls, loopholes or gaps in my current lifestyle so I can alter the unwanted habit and live better. Here are some WHYs I have not achieved any results, I think...

Mistake #1 Did not put any target date
Yes, I wanted to get back to 70kg first but I didn't put WHEN I'm supposed to achieve it. I thought I didn't want to be too obsessed about it and want it to be as natural as possible. Clearly, I have forgotten the rule of success in losing weight.
Actually, many things are happening this year which could be the target or deadline for my weight management effort. My brother's getting married in Aug, planning to go to Korea in Dec, I resume my duties as manager so there'll be a lot of meetings and presentation and it would help if I could be at my best. The closest date is in March where my cousin is getting married.

Mistake #2 Didn't follow any specific diet
I was in high protein diet when I did my HERBALIFE Challenge in 2013 in 30 days. This time as I didn't want to rely on products, I just assumed what's healthy and focused on controlling on my portion. Trying to eat everything but have my portion controlled, sounds possible. However, that didn't work and I don't know why. I suspect it's the carbo intake.

Mistake #3 Weekend as cheat day too often
I treat every weekend as my cheat days (Sat & Sun) as I don't cook on weekends. By right I should maintain in 'lose weight' mode and resist temptation at least for a month.

I decided to follow KETO diet so currently I'm doing a background reading on KETOGENIC diet.

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