Friday, February 22, 2019

KETO Day 12

Hari ni hari ke 12. Ada meeting kat Level 17. Dioghang ajak makan lunch, ada orang belanja. Nasi Kerabu...hmmm....bekal tinggal kat opis. Option lain ada buah anggur & carrot cake. Perut cam dah lapar jugak...

This is always my weakness. Can't miss if its free food. Tempted but I don't want to jeopardize my keto! So what did I do?

1st I took the grapes as well as a piece of the carrot cake (imagine rectangle cake cut into mini squares). Yes, I ate all of it. Slowly....

Then the Nasi Kerabu. I carefully took a handful of rice. Maybe about 50g (I weighed how much is 50g this morning while the measuring scale was out for my baking). 1/2 of fried fish, some grilled meat, veggies, kuah percik and sambal.

I started to feel the guilt. How can I just throw keto out of the window!! At the same time, part of me says it is OK. It won't hurt.... sigh......

The weight has not budged from 71.1kg this week. Though checked my fat % this morning = 39.6% (yesterday was 39.2%)

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