Sunday, February 10, 2019

KETOGENIC: Getting my mind ready

KETO is not just another diet. We have to get into a lifestyle change.
It's a shift in what you eat

Make FAT your main energy source, not CARB (sebab CARB ada glucose)

If KETO is a diet, there're tonnes of other diets. And if diets work, it could have been the diet.

Width 2-3 fingers. Thickness 2 palms together

Fats: Rule of 3
1 tbs of olive oil x 3
Stay away from veggie oil. Unrefined palm oil is OK.
We want saturated fat

Cupping by hands. Can go up to 3 cups
Less of starchy veggies (below the ground veggies). Take greens

Don't take a lot of dairy products such as milk and cheese
Don't do DIRTY KETO such as

  • processed food and diary (termasuk cheese)
  • Carbs should come from nutrient densed veggies, not 'low carb' pizza

Give a couple of months before you go for a cheat day.

My #1 tip to start on KETO Diet is to get your mindset changed by watching videos or read on KETO. If you still have doubts in yourself whether you can do it, take more time before embarking. Because KETO needs a lifestyle change if you want it to stay. OR you could try first but I think it might not last long since your mindset still treats KETO is just like any other diet. It might help if you hold on to your WHYs. My WHYS is to avoid potential diseases especially cancer and PCOS.

My #2 tip is to get Ketone Strips to hold you accountable.

I found this video by Dr. Boz is helpful. This is Part 3. Do watch from Part 1

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