This post is to provide check and balance for this post 'Reminder for Myself'
In that post, I listed some of the reasons what I want to do and the reasons I want to quit with no mention about what I will not able to do when I have no income anymore.
Before that, nak cerita pasal this week. This week memang sejarah sebab aku kena present 5 paper in a week! Alhamdulillah, Allah tenangkan hati aku, tak neves macam dulu. Dulu present 1 paper pun amik masa sebulan dia punya neves. Jantung macam nak gugur. Selagi tak abis meeting, selagi tu resah. Tapi kali ni memang tenang abis...tak tau la sebab aku tahu aku dah tak lama dah kat sini atau experience make you better. No objection from CEO and she was impressed with my blinking Powerpoint animation. Actually 1 paper lagi kena present next week sebab meeting to dah postpone ke next week. Does this experience would make me to rethink of quitting? Yes I like the feeling of accomplishment but when I remember the chaos that could crop up without knowing when, NO the experience can't stop my urge to quit....
Tinggal 3 bulan saja lagi since aku plan nak tender resignation in July. I don't want to face the craziness after that month. Dengar ura-ura company maybe nak offer VSS for 50 and above. Aku rasa tak sanggup nak tunggu....semoga aku ada rezeki lain nanti, yang penting aku kena usaha.
Aku ni dah bersedia ke yang aku akan tak semewah dulu sebab dah takda income? Camna nak bayar study loan? Nak bagi duit kat mak? Nak pegi jalan-jalan? Aku pun tak tahu. Aku doa kat Allah SWT supaya beri aku rezeki dan jalan supaya aku boleh maintain gaya hidup aku.
Sekarang ni aku rasa duit keluar macam air sedangkan aku beli barang-barang keperluan rumah saja. Aku takda beli baju, handbag selalu sangat tapi kenapa aku rasa macam aku takda duit? Aku kena cari keberkatan dalam duit aku supaya aku sentiasa rasa cukup.
So YES, money does matter but don't make it the only reason for whatever decision that you have to make....
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