Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kitchen_Progress report

The cabinets were installed yesterday. Have a look! This is the BEFORE and AFTER pics:
I'm quite relieved to see the Tidaholm oak fits OK with the rest of the kitchen. This one looks dark because it was 7 am when i took the pics. No handles and worktop yet. I can't wait to use the larder and drawers!.... I can imagine storing all my stuff in those cabinets. When you can imagine, that's a good sign, isn't it....
More items to come and can't wait to use:
The sink & tap
The kitchen appliance
Can't wait to store my recipe books.... I hope i'll be a serious baker once i have an oven. I shall invite friends and cook a Sunday feast... roast chicken, roast veggies, lasagna, profiteroles, chocolate cake and biscuits. Yes, i have to bake biscuits for Raya!.... Oh no! Will i have the time? I don't have any excuses anymore not to make my own biscuits.... Now, that scares me!
Problem encountered:
# What should i do with the hood ducting? Through the plaster ceiling or box it up?
# Where to put the tong beras?
# Where to put the fan?
# The gas hose goes under a 30cm drawer so i really need a longgggg gas hose.

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