Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday blues

Went swimming with colleagues during lunch time. We went to Presint 11 which is nearer than Presint 16. No one was there, just us!....I guess because the community centre is rather new and not that close to the central Putrajaya. The pool is bigger with green mosaic (but looks blue in the pic). The set up is fantastic, you'll feel as if you are at a luxury resort or spa.
The best part was we were the only ones there. 6 of us, swimming (struggling to swim) like nobody's business. Really had fun and hope the place will stay discreet for a long time. We've been doing this activity for 4 weeks now but previous pool was at Presint 16. I hope it will be a regular activity. At least 1 recreational activity a week, as a start for a better and healthier lifestyle.
I'm planning to be excused before 5.30pm because the tiling people promised to meet me at my house for site visit and quotation (and he just called, he's already in front of my house!).

And we are going to Batu Pahat tonight..... my grandfather is not very well. He's rather weak but refuses to stay with his children. He lives alone and on Tuesday, he slipped and fainted in his house. Luckily a good neighbour noticed and suspected something was wrong when the house was not lit although it was already Maghrib. Now he's staying at my parents' house to be looked after by my parents. I hope to be able to take care of my parents when they are old and weak. Ya Allah! Berikan aku kekuatan and kesabaran untuk menjaga mereka bila mereka tua nanti.... Sesungguhnya aku mahu menjadi anak yang amat kasih kepada kedua orang tuanya...Amin...

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