Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gym after Raya

Sadly to say, my 'maintenance' sheet program doesn't work. Only the first 2 days were filled up and the rest of the sheet is blank. Didn't manage to do TABATA at home, there was always something that came up (or I just couldn't force myself to do it)....
luckily I got my conscience back. Why not I start to hit the gym again? Fasting and Raya are over thus no excuse for me not to do so. And so I DID!
I think I deserve a pat on my back....

P/S: I did the 4 min Tabata and proceed to 15 min beginner yoga of sun salutation. I'm truly satisfied!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1st time_TABATA

I got up at about 5am (I've been getting up early this month). I rushed to the kitchen as I need to drink 2 ltr water before Azan Subuh. Today I should start my 'maintenance' programme by doing the 4 min TABATA.

The thought process:

'Alamak tak sempatla. Selalu bangun 4.30am, nih dah kul 5. Nak minum 2 ltr lagi. Nak minum shake lagi. Cam tak sempat jek....'

I nearly failed to complete the maintenance programme on it's very 1st day! Then it came to me, 'Why did I devise the programme if I knew I couldn't accomplish it?' Ambitious ke ape?

'TABATA kan 4 minit aje!'

'Ha'ah! Ye lah!' Duh!....

The lesson:
It is normal that the body will response negatively towards doing exercise for normal people like me (does not apply to exercise freak and health concious). The brain will create many excuses. If you're conscious enough to notice that it's your brain that control the body, this time let you yourself tells the brain what to do....Make sense? :-)

Sorry brain, the body managed to do the 4 min Tabata! Heart over Brain this time!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Surpassing 42 posts

Yeay! I managed to blog more this year beating my 2010 total posts of 42 and it's only Sept!

Is this because I have more time to blog?
Or more things to write?
Becoming more efficient in writing?

It could be all of them.

I would like to thank the creator who invented blog writing, who has inspired me to write about my life, about anything that has happened in my life. Who all the way has been with me through ups and downs. Who has provided me the platform to express myself in writing. Thank you very much!

The blog is like a diary to me. First I keep it personal, too shy to share it with people (believing no one will read mine as this blog won't be in the top list of Google search). But now, I've progressed to using the blog to promote Herbalife.

Thank you Allah!

How my testimony would sound like

I remember saying 'I'll need to get rid of my clothes soon because I need the space" when looking at my wardrobe and all the nice clothes that I hardly wear. Clothes I love but not being worn because I could not fit into them.
Now, as if a miracle happened... I'm actually wearing them! I myself could not believe I've actually lost weight which I thought once was IMPOSSIBLE. I'm more positive than before and figuring out how to improve the quality of my life. I've lost 10kg in 4 months and appreciate more what I have!


Dulu saya 74kg. Sudah cuba cara sendiri untuk mengurangkan berat badan sejak 2009 dengan berdiet, bersenam. Mula-mula turun tapi paling banyak 5kg. Tetapi selepas itu naik balik.... Saya hampir menerima keadaan bahawa saya tidak dapat mencapai impian menjadi seperti Sofea Jane, Erra Fazira, Angelina Jolie yang masih 'vouge' walaupun sudah berumur. Saya hampir menyerah bahawa berat badan menaik seiring dengan umur kerana sudah cuba untuk menurunkan berat badan tetapi hasilnya tidak memberangsangkan. Hingga saya mencuba Herbalife... Saya berjaya turun 10kg dalam masa 4 bulan! Ini menaikkan semangat saya untuk kekal aktif dan berusaha menjadi jelita seperti mereka!


What I like about Herbalife is it does not give you empty promises. You still need to control your food intake and exercise. With Herbalife, I realize being healthy should be a lifetime commitment, not until you get to fit in your smaller size clothes. Herbalife is a booster, to keep you going in achieving active lifestyle and optimum health. Herbalife has made me realized, with determination I can achieve my ideal weight. I just need to be consistent and know what to do...


Diet bukan bermaksud 'tak boleh makan'. Herbalife bukan bermaksud 'produk mahal'. Berat berlebihan bukan bermaksud 'aku gemuk'. Kejayaan bukan bermaksud 'berkerjaya'. Dengan Herbalife, apa yang saya pelajari....
  • Diet = pengambilan makanan berkhasiat dengan kuantiti bersesuaian
  • Herbalife = produk makanan yang memberi khasiat optimum kepada sel tubuh (cellular nutrition)
  • Berat badan berlebihan = berkait rapat sama ada kita sedar apa tanggungjawab kita terhadap menjaga tubuh badan kita, kurniaan Allah SWT.
  • Kejayaan = apa jua yang kita lakukan, hasil yang didapati setelah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh. Dapat mengurangkan berat badan yang berlebihan sebanyak 10kg adalah adalah satu kejayaan bagi saya. Kejayaan peribadi yang menaikkan semangat saya untuk terus melakukan yang terbaik!
Kalau saya boleh, kenapa tidak anda?


Lose weight now! Ask me how! (standard tagline Herbalife)

If anyone reading this and serious about losing weight, don't hesitate to contact me 013 3970703
SMS or whatsapp for immediate response.

I'll do my best to assist you in managing your weight problem....

Money from Herbalife?

As I was browsing the Herbalife website and looking through my personal online distributor site, I saw a figure under the royalty column in my statement. Am I getting some money from Herbalife? I haven't received any real cash but my coach did mention I've gained about RM600 because my downline purchased some products via the Herbalife website. I couldn't digest what he was saying because I was occupied when he called, so I was not that amazed.

'Really? Am I getting something from Herbalife?' as I saw the figure on the personal site. I guess it's true but before I can claim the royalty I first need to qualify as a Supervisor. I need to make another 900+ volume points before February 2014. I'm quite positive that I'll be able to achieve the 900+ volume points by Dec 2013.

It was not the case when I knew I had to make 5,000 volume points to get to Supervisor level (during STS attended in Feb). I thought I could never survive in Herbalife... where and how am I supposed to get people to buy the products? Apart from own consumption, I didn't know how to attract people to create the demand. I'm really thankful that my coach is persistent and patient with me... In sha Allah, I can achieve what I want... I just need to make some time to do some actions and the rezeki will come....

What's my plan? Achieve Supervisor level and talk to others about my success stories on losing weight. As well as improve my perspective and attitude....

Good tip from the website where I got the above pic from:

'The downside of working from home is not having a stable income to depend on. Instead, your income depends on exactly how much work you do every month…how much effort you put into it. It’s not like going to the office and getting paid for 40 hours every week regardless of how much work you get done.' - Real Life Coaching

Post Raya 2014

As expected, my weight shoots to 67.6kg from 63kg before Ramadhan (4.6kg increase). Play time is over! I have to start on weight management program to ensure I'm not getting too far off from the track of getting the ideal weight (55kg)

My brother, Apis lost 3kg in 2 weeks since he started on 3rd Sept 2013. Alhamdulillah!

My friend, Sufy has lost 18kg since she started in June (about 6kg per month). Alhamdulillah!

My husband is more committed than me at doing physical activities and more conscious on food choices. Alhamdulillah! He's now 71.5kg, lost about 10kg which he himself couldn't believe it was possible.

Planning to devise a Maintenance Daily Monitoring sheet for situation like this. The difference at this phase, the focus is more on accomplishing physical activities as food intake should have becoming more of a habit or routine by now.

So today is my 1st day on Maintenance Daily Monitoring. I plan to fast for 3 days starting from today (puasa qada).


Why not read the blogs where I got the pics from:
Picture 1
Picture 2
