Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I've started to lose my focus on property hunting because I was occupied with kids, parents and kenduri. I've been watching Mudah for property sale but now I've slowed down.

Previously I was looking into high rise in Kajang due to MRT. After a while, I kind of get a general feel the type of property that I can afford in Kajang. I want a serviced apartment for young families but not sure whether I can get within my budget.

Last week, my hubby and I went to Bukit Mahkota to have a look at a bungalow lot my husband was eyeing. The area is potential as it is near to coming soon Bandar Puteri Bangi (under IOI). The downside are it is near to factory area and the lot is at T junction. If I have the money, I would just buy :-)

My visit to the area has changed my target search on property:

Bandar Seri Putra/Bukit Mahkota
Now I'm also considering Bandar Seri Putra area. I think Bandar Seri Putra is potential but I need to save more as the area has limited high rise, meaning to buy there I may need to consider landed property.
Master Plan Bandar Seri Putra

Auction Property
Previously I didn't consider auction property because I think it is time consuming: background check, only can be viewed from outside, attending the auction, depending on luck/rezeki....

But now I do because of the lower price....I might set a target to buy an auction property in 2014. Just to have an experience.

Kajang is pack and I'm a bit concerned on the security aspect...

I need to do more research!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Felt like 2nd honeymoon

I was here

Somewhere in June, a salesperson contacted my husband regarding a Gold Coast Sepang vacation club card package (soon known as Avani once it's under new management thus the promotion and sales campaign). We didn't buy but as a courtesy for the time we made to Sepang, they gave a complimentary stay at the resort. So I booked a date on 11th Nov telling my husband we should make use of the free stay as definitely we won't spend our money on the resort because it's too near & expensive.

I admit I like the place so I was quite eager and look forward staying at the resort. They provide visitors with buggy to get to the accommodation which I know the kids will love. The infinity pool overlooking the sea horizon would be great for me to take pictures. The accommodation is not a typical standard hotel room so this 1 night stay would be a great beginning for the kids' school holiday.

The complimentary stay is for Traveler Palm, some sort like a standard/deluxe room among the type of accommodations there. Fair enough because it's complimentary i.e. free. My husband checked in at the Sales Office as it's lobby was under refurbishment, while my kids and I waited at the buggy station/queue. I could see the kids were quite excited seeing the buggy and appreciated the place while waiting for their father. After 1/2 hour, my husband done with the check in and we were ready to go. Then my husband whispered to me 'they upgrade the room to a villa'...

What! Come again? Are you sure? I was already jumping up and down.... Did I hear you right? Impossible! The villa has two rooms and ample space which we saw during the visit in June right? The one I said suitable for a couple on honeymoon. 'This can't be true'....

He then showed me a map and where the staff circled our accommodation. 'Never mind, I don't want to get too excited. I'll know once we check in...' I said to him.

This rarely happened to me. Getting something better than I expected. It really was the Canary Palm Villa! Even the kids was excited seeing the room! Thank you Allah! I felt so much joy and happiness. Not sure what made me feel that way:

Was it because of the surprising upgrade i.e. something better that what I expected? Or the place was really nice that it just can make you feel happy?

I smiled and whispered to my husband, 'feel like I'm on a honeymoon.... with the kids'...... It truly was. This will be one of the nice moments in my life.....

While waiting for their father

Visitors from dunno where
Villas above waters of the sea


While waiting
The accommodation bird's eye view thus the name, Golden Palm Tree

What the kids looked forward to

Our bags

Ready to go

We're there!

Our room number

When Irdina smiles for the camera, means she's happy
The living room
The mat same as at home :-)

Welcoming their guest
Our side of the room. King bed. Fluffy duvet & pillows

The roof is what makes the place feels special

This is something.... by the poolside. Thumbs up!

Good for photographers

Trying with my Sony small auto camera

Not bad eyy...

Dinner at the usual spot, HM Bagan Lalang.
The small feast...Yummy..

Pepahat in chillies

Kerepek ubi, complimentary from the restaurant.

Giving him a shot at buggy driving
Breakfast at the balcony

View from the balcony

Roti canai & instant cup noodles
Another view from the balcony

Heading home

Bamboo walk

Another feature the kids love... Free bicycle ride!

The kids love this too!

Bye! Thank you for the memorable stay!

Weaning off Lutfi

Lutfi is now 2 years and 2 months. I've been wanting to wean him off from breastfeeding. Yesterday, I put thick Nescafe paste around my n*****. He came to me to start the routine. He didn't like the bitter taste. "Eeee, tak sedap..." So he didn't have what he normally had. I saw his sad face.

Now I have a 2nd thought about weaning him off. This is a very emotional experience for me. I don't know whether we'll have another child after Lutfi. If we don't, he will be our youngest. A baby brings warmth and laughter in the house and the thought of we might not have another one is just sad....

Everything time I look at Lutfi, I feel blessed to have such a brilliant child. Weaning him off means he's growing up to be a big boy like his big brother, Kasyif. Then it won't be fun...

I would feel that I'm not needed unlike when I was breastfeeding Lutfi. Until now I feel appreciated by Lutfi. I'm afraid Lutfi will be attached to my maid (like Kasyif) because we would be spending less time together. Oh Allah! Give me strength! Guide me on what to do!....

I cried when I prayed solat Isyak. Betapa BESARnya ALLAH SWT... No matter how much I love my child, there is no greater love than to love Allah SWT. Betapa ujian ini kecil sahaja dan aku kalah.... Walau sayang anak ini melebihi segalanya, dia hanya 'dipinjamkan' oleh Allah SWT. Tiada yang lebih kekal selain menyayangi Maha Pencipta. Aku sedih, aku sebak kerana anak ini hanya amanah. Betapa kita menyayangi anak kita, ingatlah dia hanya amanah Allah SWT.

Wahai Lutfi yang mama sayangi, engkau adalah buah hati mama. Penenang dan pengubat hati mama. Maafkan mama bila mama marah pada ketika Lutfi inginkan perhatian mama. Sesungguhnya mama yang bertanggungjawab mencorakkan kebaikan dalam kehidupanmu, semoga kamu berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Morning rush

The arrangement has changed today. Hubby sends Irdina to school and I'm in charged of Jasmin and Abang. This has been the other way around since last Raya in Aug.

Knowing me, I was dissatisfied at first. Irdina is easier to manage thus less stress. Jasmin is lately difficult to deal with when it comes to waking up early. Abang, will depend on his mood.

However, remembering my purpose, I will rise to the challenge!
rise to the challenge

My goal
Independent kids who like to raise early in the morning

My plan
6.00  I'm ready
6.15  Switch on the lights, wake everyone up. Ensure my kids perform their solat Subuh
7.45  Ready to go

Wake her up. Ask her to perform solat Subuh and shower. Be patient with herGive her encouragement. Talk to her. Praise her for all the good things she has done.

Love you Irdina! Love you Jasmin!
Love you Kasyif! Love you Lutfi!

Type of apartment I'm looking for?

  • My target property is serviced apartment priced under market value. Is there any around?

  • My target market is young families that need a conducive environment for their children

  • Accessibility of the property to highways and MRT should be within xxxx km (TBD)

  • Yesterday I called an owner who advertised in Mudah, selling his property at 85k. The property which is either a low cost or medium cost flat/apartment located at Seksyen7. I do familiar with the area and I knew exactly when he described it on the phone. Everything seems good on the phone, he was a nice guy and said he is selling as need to use the money (pressure to sell, +1). The only drawback is the unit is on the 5th floor.

    At first I thought to have a look on Saturday. Around 5pm, I was thinking 'since I'm not picking up Jasmin from school and I assume the traffic is not that busy today, why don't I go to Seksyen 7 after work?!' Since I know the way, I straight went to Seksyen 7 after 6pm and also to Sepakat Indah to look around.

    Before seeing the area, here are my thoughts:

    The price is below 100k, current rental rate is RM430 and instalment is RM390 (4.5%)   +1
    It's near to where I live. Shops, school, highway are nearby    +1
    Currently tenanted     +1
    Cash to fork out is within my range = 10k deposit + 5k everything else  +1

    This is actually Block 4 of Sri Anggerik (image by Mitula)

    After seeing the area (although I couldn't actually find Block 5):

    5th floor seems too high
    Do I really want to own this type of property?
    Will the property attract my target market?

    I wasn't as enthusiastic as before.....

    This morning, I found a newly advertised apartment at Laman Suria, Kajang Utama at RM180k. The descriptions fit my criteria: serviced apartment. More like a property that I want to own (note: this is before seeing the actual location & unit). Not sure about the rental rate, need to do more research....
    Laman Suria (image by Mitula)

    Thursday, November 7, 2013

    Goal setting 2014-2016

    My goal in property investment
    • To have additional rented properties to cover RM1.5k Evo SoHo instalment
    • Timeline is 3 years until Evo Soho is completed (2014-2016)
    • Target properties = Apartment & affordable landed
    • Target location = Kajang, Semenyih

    Now that I will need to pay installment of around RM1.5k for Evo SoHo I need to buy more properties for rental to cover the instalments. At least half of the payment.

    Target area is Kajang due to coming 3 MRT stations. Exactly where in Kajang is still to be decided. I've looked Mudah & IProperty to survey apartments. My price range is max RM200k. Where can I get property with excess cashflow? There are apartments in Sepakat Indah selling below 200k but not sure about the rental rates. I know my friend renting at Sri Camelia pays RM800 (inc maintenance fee). However the price is high so the rental just enough to cover the instalments.

    They say it's hard now to have access cash due to the sudden price hike. Thinking of buying auctioned properties but how?

    'Go and learn', says Robert Kiyosaki.......

    Ya Allah! Perkenankan....

    Jasmin's request for her birthday

    Jasmin was born on 31st Dec so you see, she can never celebrate her birthday at school with her friends due to the year end holiday. This year, she wants to give her friends goodie bag and listed down what she wants to give.

    What she has in mind