Monday, April 25, 2016

OPL_Progress Week 1

Week 1
18 - 24 Apr 2016

Guess what! Things looked positive until I couldn't control myself on Sunday!

Total loss Week 1 = -0.3kg!

This is my No.1 problem in losing weight. I keep on sabotaging and allowed myself to gave in to temptations. But who doesn't????....I did go as low as 69.9kg, I could have jot down total weight loss of 1.4kg. I shall try to cover this by ensuring the total loss for Week 1 and Week 2 is 2.0kg which means I have to lose 2.3kg in Week 2.
Image result for tabata

I did Tabata 3 times last week, good at my portion, been eating fruits for snacks. I was quite conscious of my state and my effort in losing weight. The challenge in Week 2 would be the 3 day weekend and I'm going back to Perlis. Another sabotage? I hope not.....

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