Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mind Like Water

Last week ada Booster GTD, a follow up and continuation of GTD class I attended May last year. This time it explained about Horizons of Focus as well as sharing our experience on implementing GTD in our life so far.

Horizon of Focus: The 6 level Model to review our work
Horizon = Distance of perception
Imagine looking out from a building, things look differently at different floors.
GROUND = Current action
HORIZON 1 = Current project
HORIZON 2 = Are of focus & accountabilities
HORIZON 3 = Goals
HORIZON 4 = Vision
HORIZON 5 = Purpose and principles

The Natural Planning Model
  1. Define purpose & principles
  2. Outcome visioning
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Organizing
  5. Identifying next actions
Simple analogy = planning a family day
  1. What's the purpose? What principles that bound the plan? (the Why)
  2. Then we started to imagine  = outcome visioning (the What)
  3. Then we start asking questions = Brainstorming (the How) because the brain realizes there's gap between the 'Outcome Vision' and the situation now.
  4. Then you start to organize
  5. Then you start focusing on the very next action to make the situation go forward.

Uses analogy of a plane taking off:
Runaway: the everyday tasks that we come across
10,000 ft: the weekly tasks
20,000 ft: the
30,000 ft
40,000 ft
50,000 ft

Getting things done and feeling good about it, means willing to recognize, acknowledge and appropriately engage with all things within the ecosystem of your consciousness. Mastering the art of stress free productivity requires it.....

- David Allen - 

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