Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ops Puteri Lilin

I'm still unable to hit the 60s. My weight stay stagnant at 70-71kg. Frustrated, yes.... but I don't want to give up. I do Tabata 2-3 times a week so I expect that should reduce my weight but it didn't. 

At this point of my life, I accept that losing weight at this age is not as easy as when I was in my 20s. I remember just doing aerobics once a week, eat meals on time (because I was in a boarding school) and I never cared about the portion, just eat whatever being served and I still could lose weight. I felt really healthy, my waist and thighs were small that I could fit in straight cut jeans. That was like zillion years ago.

Now entering the 40 series, things really get so hard. I lost weight to 64kg in 2013 but back to my old weight (70kg) by end of 2015. I want to relive the 2013 moment but it is so so hard. I've been at 70s since October 2015 and even today I'm still at 70.5kg. Arghhh! My target is at least to get to 67kg but it has been so hard just to lose the 3kg.

Enough of my rambling on my frustration. Ops Puteri Lilin is about making changes in the exercise routine. Why Puteri Lilin? Because usually I don't exercise on Fridays because I would go to Pasar Tani to buy lunch. However, the weather has been too hot lately thus my friends and I decided to sacrifice our lunch with Tabata! Great! We've been into our 2nd week last week. The target is to maintain for 4 weeks.

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