Thursday, June 30, 2016

Finale J1FK

Semalam officially J1FK Program 6 minggu dah habis. How did I do? I only lost 2.4kg dropping from 71.1kg to 68.7kg... hmmm.... I expected more, at least 4 kg. Down la jugak and kind of puzzled. Wonder why la tak turun banyak macam orang lain. I made a few assumptions to reason the lag of weight loss:

Age and hormone 
Since I'm already above 40 thus my metabolism could have dropped. So aku buat tabata around 4.30am before bersahur. Buat for 4 rounds 2-3 times per week. Ada 1 week tu, happy sebab kg dropped around 600g assuming sebab buat tabata. Kalau tak, dia macam statik jek. During the last week of J1FK, berat ni tak nak berganjak dah (68.6kg). Kali ni assume sebab nak period, so static weight sebab water retention and unfortunately week tu la finale J1FK.

Body has adapted
I've been on weight loss quest before. So the drop is not as much as people who's doing it for the 1st time.
Based on experience, kalau bulan pose memang berat tak turun sebab makan karbo masa buka. Kalau drop pun sebab kurang minum air. Tapi this time roughly minum around 3 liter which was ok (1.5 sahur, 1.5 malam). Tapi berat tak turun banyak pun!

Sekarang ni rasa mixed feeling. On paper people thought I should lose more sebab tu dioghang punya perception, so sedih kejap. Tapi in sha Allah aku boleh terima ni sebab aku punya goal at my age actually to lose % fat. And things I've done differently this time was tabata in the mornings so I'm quite happy with that.

So right now I'm reminding myself... "just maintain what you've done. Once you change your lifestyle, you can eat moderately and still lose weight.... so jangan sedih sangat ya...."

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