Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Looking back 2021

 I've just noticed I did get this posted earlier! By right it should be in Dec 2021, not now Sept 2022. Isk...

Looking back 2021, here are some items that I want to cherish and mark as my small achievement in 2021

  • start to be aware about investment and register Public Mutual Online
  • redeem under performing fund, masuk Public Mutual office, cancel DDA on my own
  • join beginner classes on trading
  • apply to buy IPO shares
  • khatam Al Quran sekali
  • mengaji dalam 10 muka surat mostly every day
  • buat yoga pagi-pagi
  • kemas rumah bersih-bersih
  • re-organize kitchen

Stick to your target ok so you can focus on your family and quality ibadah
  • Plan your passive income from xxx
  • Have savings of 1m from investing + EPF by 2024
  • Reduce monthly commitment
  • To quit my job in 2024 (3 years from 2021)

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