Monday, January 16, 2023

Quick notes pagi Isnin

 Alhamdulillah for last week. Today, still dapat bangun pagi and tulis blog. Last week Monday, bangun tahajud, baca Al Quran sikit 2-4 mukasurat, buat yoga 30 min pastu prep breakfast. This week sebab baru dapat period, a few activities tak dapat buat.

I just want to remind myself the little achievements I did last year:

  1. approached my secondary netball teacher
  2. volunteered to find the venue and attended my secondary school reunion
  3. patient and ask relevant question when scolded by my boss
  4. drove to Petaling Jaya
  5. take leave whenever I want
This year I don't want to feel miserable about work. To minimize that, I don't want to procrastinate. Get them done and over with. There is more important thing for me to focus on...RE-INVENT myself. I only have this year to explore. I need to figure out how to re-invent myself. Try reading from here

My plan is to learn making Youtube video. Learn from my youngest. Make time to learn on Saturday afternoon maybe.

I have to continue watching Vanessa Lau's channel and start something this week.

What lights me up? What is it that makes me happy inside and out?

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