Friday, January 13, 2023

Wrapping Up Friday

Baru minggu ke 2 but I'm already feeling the heat!, cool...I like it when I felt 'apa aku kisah, just get it done'. Baru la rasa laju buat kerja. Sebab most of the time memang rasa 'why am I still here?'. This is all about work...hate it. To like it, I want to do things I've never done before, for my own personal growth. Things like jawab ikut suka, really know the numbers, help others, take charge, step up.

Believe in Allah SWT, the best planner.

Aritu dok tercari-cari apa yang aku nak try buat this year. Last year dah try basic bertukang (konon!). Tahun ni maybe nak try buat video for Youtube. Target 1 video in 2023. Haha! 1 jek? Susah wooo nak buat content. Came across Vanessa Lau kat Youtube, memang detailed la sharing dia.

Lagi satu, the word re-invent yourself, mind shift. I want to alter my mindset whenever there's a negative feeling about something. And not to take time to think the negative things. Celebrate people...

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