Thursday, July 4, 2013

Krabi Holiday was awesome!

This trip to me is like a dream came true, that is to go on a holiday by plane while my kids are still small. I've started to have this dream when I saw people (usually American/Europeans) brought their kids along on overseas travel. I was amazed how their kids could behave well whereas we always thought bringing kids travelling is a nightmare and troublesome.

Alhamdulillah my kids were happy. When the children are happy, the parents will be happy too.

Jasmin got to build her confidence to speak in English when she was asked during her meni/pedicure session while Irdina was when she wanted to order the omelette over breakfast. Kasyif enjoyed getting photographed but still dependent as always.

I think Lutfi too enjoyed the trip. I got to know that he's afraid of loud sounds e.g. the engine of the long tail boat and the sound of when the plane takes off. I also think he's afraid of heights because he refused to look through the window when the plane took off.

Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly as I've hoped for....and more! My next dream will be to bring them on a long haul flight! Amin... Insha Allah....

Thank you Allah! Thank you for the rezeki you've given me to be able to experience a piece of this wonderful feeling....So many things I've learned from this break. How generous of Allah SWT to His creations.

We checked in 2 bags (Green suitcase + 1 trolley bag)

Boarding AK 1968 KL-Krabi

Finally ye, Jasmin....
On the way to our accomodation

Renting a bike for 250 baht
The pool that really made the kids happy

Halal breakfast @ Somkiet Buri

At the beach on 1st day at Ao Nang

The pic says it all

While waiting for Mama (massaging)
Getting takeaway lunch with Lutfi @ Shareefah
The famous pancake. Kids like it with Nutella..

On the way to 4 Island hopping trip on 2nd day

Here we go! On long tail boat

Love this pic

Chicken Island + Jasmin
Pic taken by hubby
Pool side room for the kids
Double bed for Irdina + Jasmin

Deluxe Room for mama + abah
Last activity on last day. Finding souvenirs
Checking in to go home....

Back from Krabi on the ERL
Will write more about this trip!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot! There has been talks between us and my husband's family about Phuket. And we are planning to travel by car! Fingers crossed!
