Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Transport to and in Krabi

This trip is excellent to teach the kids about transportation!
-------------TO KRABI ----------
We went to ERL Putrajaya by Estima
He loves to maneuver the steering
We parked the Estima at the ERL station.

Waiting for the 10.05 train

The train has arrived!

Running around in the ERL


We travelled to Krabi by airplane. Smaller one....

Boarding. No aerobridge :-)

1st flight experience for the kids.

Need to complete embarkation card when arrived...

-----------------IN KRABI ------------

Transit booked through the resort. Excited when saw my name...

Getting on the van
Spacious.. see the happy faces!

Rented a bike. Useful for getting food


------- 4 ISLAND TRIP ----------
Don't know what to call this. Transport to get to the long tail boat

Why with the face, Kasyif?

Where the long tail boats are

Getting into the long tail boat

In the long tail boat. This one is for 4-8 people

The bigger boat.....

Where we were heading....

On a 'tuk-tuk' getting dinner. Sorry for the blurriness

It was raining.....

'Transport' for Lutfi...very useful!
We nearly left the pushchair at the baggage claim section!

The Maclaren pushchair was bought at a car boot sale in Southampton when we wanted to travel to Switzerland with Irdina in 2003. Despite its 2nd hand status, the pushchair withstand wear and tear until now. It is simple, light, easy folding and doesn't take up much space. Definitely a bargain and I have good memories with it.

So I really got upset with the thought of we would lose the pushchair. My husband then did the best he could so we can get the pushchair back.  Fortunately we realized we didn't have it with us while we were still at the airport (when we wanted to get on the bus to the ERL station)....

What we missed to take picture of is the transit bus from Salak Tinggi to LCCT. Maybe because it was quite a hassle from the ERL platform to the bus so we didn't get to chance to snap some pics. The ERL platform was on the other side instead of direct to the exit of the station and the road. So we had to get on the lift, get out and walk to another lift. Imagine people with their luggage, definitely not practical. The slow moving lift get full easily and you will definitely opt to take the stairs (with your luggage!) because you won't want to miss the bus! It works for people travelling light but not for groups or travelling with little children.

Hope we'll have better option when LCCT moves to the new KLIA2. The tentative date was actually 28 June, 2 days before our travelling day but it got delayed...Oh well....

That's about it children! So you've experienced other land transports besides Myvi and Estima!

Checking in to go home...
P/S: Now they wish to travel by train ie KTM trains (long haul journey)... We'll see ok...

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