Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Belum ada hasil

 Hari ni tamatla online trading course Nizam Malek. So aku ada try trading tak?....TAKDA!

Aduss! Gagal betul.

What is my IKIGAI

 Had a good talk with husband before we doze off to sleep last night. I was trying to pour my heart out why I want to resign. First i thought it was because I felt that I'm being underpaid. Apparently not when we referred to Jobstreet Salary Report 2022. Well, I'm on the median side so depends how we intepret 'underpaid'.

We even referred to IKIGAI chart finding out where do I fall in to. I think I'm either in No. 1 or No. 4. Although I can do my job, I myself feel something is missing. Why do I want to quit? I can't imagine me working at my current company for the next 5 years!

Apparently I'm in No. 1 or No. 4

Why now?

I said I have accepted that is my rezeki and tried to stay on my job. I'm OK as long as I get to do what I want to and have time to focus on my personal life. I noticed I only brought up this matter lately. I have been patient for 15 years and why do I want to resign now? He said probably it started during the pandemic where we stayed at home a lot and because when WFH, there's no boundaries between work and personal matters.

Am I not being grateful for what I have?

He said we have not been challenged enough thus I'm not grateful for what I have (indirectly). He referred to posts from fb of his friends who shared their experiences and had gone through a lot of downs.

I may disagree with him here. Wanting more does not mean we are not grateful...

He told me about a pakcik he met last weekend back in Perlis. The uncle was telling how hard his life was to raise 2 kids. He was poor but he persistently and patiently worked on his paddy field. Sabar, bersyukur, ikhlas were the key words.

I don't want to brag but I also have been patient, sincere in my job and grateful for what Allah SWT has given me...for 15 years. 

Problem with my mindset

I said my problem is my mindset which stopped me from moving out from my current job. Fear of the unknown, whether I can perform well. I also used to dislike challenges whereas challenges are good. I quote Jim Rohn's 'don't wish for things to get easier, wish you were better'

I want to accomplish something

At this age now, I don't think to find another job would be a good move. I think it's not about the job, it's about I wanting to venture into something else. I said to my hubby, I feel like I want to accomplish something...yes! that is my why. I think I have done something great in my job but....I dunno how to shout about it.

So what do I want to do?

The problem is I have not found what I want to do hence I'm still on the job. That's the only thing that stopping me from pursuing something else.

My husband is a realist. Sometimes it's good to have a talk with him to challenge me who is somewhat optimistic and emotional. We can balance out the pro and cons.

How do I want to write my story?

In the end, I said to him the uncle have a story to tell 'Pakcik dulu miskin dan berusaha untuk menyara dan menyekolahkan anak dengan bersabar dan ikhlas dalam pekerjaan'...

so how do I want to write my story?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The never ending journey: Weight Loss

 Guess what is my body weight right now.....it's 76kg. It was even 77kg yesterday. How did I get from 67kg to here? That's 10kg to lose!

I'm not obsessing over my body weight but as of today it is a good enough indicator of the state of my body. It's sad. although I'm not feeling sad. I would have lost my appetite if I were to feel sad. These are the things that have changed since early 2021:

  • I don't think I eat a lot BUT I do take a lot of carbo.
  •  I have not been consistently taking my self made shake
  • I have not been practising yoga
By right I should not be surprised. Obviously these are major reasons why I have gained weight. Only now I noticed I've been doing these since 2021 so it is almost 2 years!

I was busy with work plus now that I'm over 45 and I have stopped going to Mayfair. The obvious change is my belly. I think Mayfair's treatment has lost it's affect. Seriously, my tummy bulges when I sit which sometimes it's uncomfortable.

It's time to get serious. So what is my game plan? How am I gonna do it differently this time now that I'm over 45....

  • Start planning my meals. Reduce carbo, more veggies
  • Plan your schedule how to fit yoga practice in the morning. Previously I didn't mengaji but I can't omit mengaji now that I have been consistently mengaji pagi-pagi. I need to work out how
  • Start buying wholesome food and less takeways/eat out
  • I do need help e.g fibre, shake, tea but opt for sustainable options

My first move to make things interesting. Amik gambar apa yg aku makan

Business Administrator? Allah Maha Mendengar!

 Ya Allah! Thank you Allah! Syukur Ya Allah... I have been thinking about this idea of monetizing my husband's expertise lama dah. Pastu my friend quit and start her own consultancy company last year (read it here). Ironically same month last year...

Then last week, my husband asked me to ask my EVO agent whether there's any office unit @ OSTIA yang available. I asked him what is it for but he didn't answer directly...

The next day, we were talking about something and I couldn't remember how it popped out but eventually he revealed that he's planning to start a training business with his friend and try to find a space to rent. His friend is currently looking for an assistant to manage the business. He does have one right now but his wife asks him to fire the assistant (we can only guess why...) I was like 'What? And why you didn't mention about the job to me! I'm willing to do it!...'

Ya Allah! Terdetik la masa tu, Allah memang Maha Mendengar! Although that information is merely an information tapi kekuasaan Allah dirasai dan dekatnya Allah dengan kita. Everything has its place and time. Be patient...

Mula lah aku berangan tapi still macam caya tak jugak so I just left the conversation there not wanting to put high hopes on it.

Then semalam, my husband mention lagi. "Betul ke nak kerja Business Administrator? Banyak menda nak buat tau...nak kena cari sales, kena tahu how to claim HRDF"....Auww! Dengar pun aku dah excited. Excited nak berenti kerja! Haha!

Biasalah bila kita nak buat perubahan, getting into new unknown territory we start to doubt ourselves.

Alhamdulillah Allah SWT jumpakan aku dengan Jim Rohn's motivation series:

  • Don't wish for things to get easier, wish you were better
  • Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills
  • Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.

Remember, things happen for a reason. Opportunity only knocks once...It's time to make a change, grow yourself...

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Motivation and personal goals

Motivation...motivation to quit my job...

Quotes from Denzel Washington

Make sure you have something to fall forward to, not fall back on

It will be frightening but rewarding
Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship
Without commitment, you'll never start
Without consistency, you 'll never finish
It's not easy, if it were easy.....

If you hang around a barber shop long enough, eventually you'll get a haircut. You will catch a break....
Dream without goals are just dreams, and ultimately fuel disappointment
Have dreams but also have goals...life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals
Don't confuse movement with progress.....Just because you're doing a lot more, do not mean you are getting a lot more done
In order to achieve goals, must apply discipline and consistency. You have to work at it....you have to plan every day
Hard work works. Working really hard is what successful people do

What are you going to do with what you have? It's not about how much you have, it's what you do with what you have...We all have different talents

The most selfish thing to do is helping others...why it's selfish? Because the gratification the good feeling that you get when helping others...

You only live once...do what you passionate about
Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference

Looking back 2021

 I've just noticed I did get this posted earlier! By right it should be in Dec 2021, not now Sept 2022. Isk...

Looking back 2021, here are some items that I want to cherish and mark as my small achievement in 2021

  • start to be aware about investment and register Public Mutual Online
  • redeem under performing fund, masuk Public Mutual office, cancel DDA on my own
  • join beginner classes on trading
  • apply to buy IPO shares
  • khatam Al Quran sekali
  • mengaji dalam 10 muka surat mostly every day
  • buat yoga pagi-pagi
  • kemas rumah bersih-bersih
  • re-organize kitchen

Stick to your target ok so you can focus on your family and quality ibadah
  • Plan your passive income from xxx
  • Have savings of 1m from investing + EPF by 2024
  • Reduce monthly commitment
  • To quit my job in 2024 (3 years from 2021)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Do It Yourself

 Why this is labelled as Personal 3 Year Target? Sebab this is the thought process...

Belajar sekarang. Bila dah tak kerja, boleh jimat duit dan ada lah aktiviti yang nak buat. Very much related to home decor which is one of my interest....

Ni nak cerita, aku came across a woodworking class. Thank you Allah! I was looking for classes untuk Kasyif, sekali tengok ada kelas untuk pompuan. Inspired betul by this couple AdiAida

Sebelum tu masa aku revamp Kallax, aku ada terpikir yang aku ni sebenarnya tak pernah guna DIY tools. Aku tak tergerak nak belajar pulak tapi suka tengok orang dok buat makeover. Bila duit tak berapa nak ada, caner nak buat home improvement kalo tak pernah buat DIY. Pastu jumpa pulak website tu. Alhamdulillah! Aku memang bergantung kepada Allah sekarang ni untuk pandu aku capai impian untuk bersara awal...

With this class, I hope to start socializing, get out of my comfort zone with my 'free from 9-5 job' in mind!

So I've booked a place to attend a basic class on 2nd Oct. Bismillah!

Side hustle: Belum jumpa

 After a long break (I went to Pulau Perhentian), the thought of quitting my job is even stronger. Malasnya nak mengadap kerja...

I agreed with my friend who I met in Kuala Terengganu. She was my colleague and quit when she got married 3 years ago. I went to see her on my way to Pulau Perhentian. I was telling her I want to quit my job because I'm done and want to stay at home. She said 'Still, you need to do something because after 3 months you'll get bored...' Currently she's doing bookkeeping for her aunt.

Soalan "nanti nak buat apa?" aku rasa aku dah boleh jawab...banyak kot benda nak buat. Tapi aku masih belum ada aktiviti yang generate income. Baru this week terpikir tengok youtube on side hustle. Banyak benda boleh buat tapi aku memang kena cari and decide. Sebelum ni aku ingat buat typing or virtual assistance. Tu memang actual kerja, macam kerja opis. Then aku tanya diri aku balik 'Boleh ke aku buat?"

Masa tengok Youtube tu, kalau side hustle memang banyak yang nampak senang tapi require creativity e.g. create banner, icon...still not my domain. Teenagers pun dah boleh dapat income...


  • Aku memang kena ubah mindset, tak boleh maintain solo act. Aku kena join group/community bila nak buat freelance ni i.e start networking.
  • Aku kena yakin dengan knowledge yang aku ada. I need to know my self worth
  • Aku memang kena bergerak. Freelance ni kerja jugak. Don't expect things are easier
  • Start small. Yang penting is to get out of comfort zone

Some notes from my research

  1. Term freelance, part time and side hustle. What's the difference
  2. Platform for freelancing include Fiverr.
  3. Ada free accounting software QuickBooks


  • Narrow down areas yang nak buat Bookkeeping ke, kerja senang ke,
  • Masuk FIVERR and other platform to familiarise
You will know which is best once you are able to visualize....