He answered he couldn't remember where he put it. "Oh! No!" i said to myself. "It's probably in the bag" was what i said to him.... Trying to calm myself down and not letting him to feel guilty.... The conversation ended there....
This morning, i finished getting dressed but couldn't complete the last ritual because of the missing watch. I carefully scout around in the bag i assumed my husband had put my watch in but it was empty.... What should i say to myself now?
I have to learn to let go...i have to learn to let go....
The watch was a b'day gift from my husband in 2001 so it has been with me for 8 years. What's the big deal about the watch (apart from watch is one thing that i can't live without):
1. 1st b'day gift as husband and wife
2. it's a Tissot thus my 1st expensive watch
3. the design is simple (so like my husband) but i feel it fits me so well
4. the thought that my husband managed to find a watch that i myself didn't expect i could love it so much
5. I feel my life's not complete when not wearing it. I thought having a clock on my handphone is enough to tell the time but it just don't feel the same.
So it is not just a watch to me. Although it's not expensive (compared to Tag Heuer), it was priceless to me... The memories of 8 years is within the watch and it has made me feel difficult to let it go....
My husband said he will go back to Sunway Lagoon to look for it.
I don't want to put high hopes... But i want my watch back!!!!....
Now i have the opportunity to buy a new watch which can be more expensive....But tears rolled down my eyes...
The only thought that soothed me is "luckily i only lost a watch. What if it was my car? Or my kids?"......

Farewell dearest watch... Thank you for being there whenever i needed you. Thank you for the memories we've shared....Rest in peace wherever you are.... (Wow! i'm really attached to the watch!)