Friday, October 22, 2010

Open house/doa selamat/baca yasin

I didn't do open house this year (although my colleagues were asking me to). I didn't do doa selamat too (although my neighbour advised me to).... So, am i bad for not doing those things? What prevent me from doing?
1. Budget. We've spent a lot on the renovation, so we need time to recover.
2. Not used to. I've never done a baca yasin or doa selamat before. I don't have a helping hand as a first timer.
3. Niat. Not sure the reason why if i were to do them. Afraid it might associate with 'riak' because i want to show my renovated house? I may be sincere but people may think i am?

Thus, i just don't think i need to have the events yet. Maybe next year... when everything is old news. And when i don't feel the reason for doing is to 'riak'.

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