Thursday, October 1, 2015

Getting anxious?

I have been doing the house chores for nearly 4 weeks now. I was not smiling this morning. Has reality started to kick in? Am I wearing off? I was complaining as things didn't go as I expected.
Image result for positive thinking Image result for angry
The challenge
Thanks to public and school holidays and me taking annual leave, last 3 weeks were not that bad. I seemed able to cope with the chaos.

 Image result for anxious
For tomorrow however, I have to attend a training (change in my normal schedule) which means I have to leave early. I have to leave the house about 7.30am in order to send Lutfi to school and reach the place on time. It doesn't sound possible with current routine unless I skip either sweeping or cooking.

In order to leave the house early, I can either get up really early (earlier than 4.40am) or skip one of the activities.

Skip cooking
I want to skip cooking because I didn't get to sweep the house this morning.
  1. I remembered the 'mangkuk tingkat' service which may enable me to skip cooking. I called a service near my house. They only accept orders for weekly (5 days) or monthly (30 days) whereas I only want for 1 day.
  2. I could call Pizza Hut or Domino's in advance?

Or I can skip sweeping and start cook at 4.30am. I should cook very simple meals. Maybe chicken kurma and fried fish. And wraps for  breakfast (use leftovers from today).

My point
Image result for positive thinkingI was not very positive this morning. Grumbling, blaming, feeling as if I'm doing things all alone. I need to change those feelings and think positively. I'm reasoning as this is the 4th week thus I might be wearing off. I need to be able to realize that sometimes all the negativity is because I'm myself tired from the house routine, not because of what others do or don't do.

I need to learn to focus on getting things done, not complaining on what should have been done or who should do it. And remember, everyone is playing their part. Everyone is chipping in.
Image result for positive thinking

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