Thursday, January 14, 2016

Insulin and Ketogenic diet

14 January 2016
Today is Day 4 of Week 2.
I'm planning to fast this whole week and today is my fourth day, in sha Allah....

Have been reading and googling on insulin and weight loss. Came across ketogenic diet.

I've been taking F1, dates, chia seeds for sahur and when breaking fast. I have small dinner with rice (1 portion), chicken, eggs or whatever dishes cooked for dinner.

Plain water
The hardest part is to consume lots of plain water. I can only consume 1 to 1.5 ltr in the morning depending on how early do I wake up. I can't consume so much when breaking fast because I would feel full after taking F1 and meals. If I feel really thirsty, I would drink 500ml in one go and I will take some time to drink more, and by the time it's already 10pm. You must not drink a lot when you are ready for bed.

I did the ketone stick test yesterday and the result was 'trace' of fat burning.

Components of weight loss
  • education
  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • mindset
Some rules under Ketogenic Diet
ALLOWED milk, cheese, yogurt, red and white meat, butter, eggs, and sausages, fruits, vegetables
AVOID flour, chocolates, sweets, potatoes, dried fruits, alcoholic beverages, grains, pasta
Ketogenic diet for weight loss guidelines

I'm not sure what kind of diet I'm on. Actually I'm planning not to follow any diet because
if you're on a diet, one day you'll get off it...
  • I'm targeting to maintain my blood sugar level to keep insulin steady
  • I must avoid large portion
Have I understood the relationship between insulin and weight management? Maybe. Have I figured how to control insulin with my lifestyle?
Blood Sugar

Good point remember from Kaizen Active:
Weight loss isn’t actually controlled by the number of calories you consume, although calories are a factor. Weight loss is actually controlled by hormones, and hormones can be heavily influenced by the type and quality of foods we eat and don’t eat.

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