Law of Attraction
Hari ni masa tengah google, jumpa website The Feel Good Lifestyle ni. Sebenarnya dari tengahari tadi dok google pasal recipes and cooking videos sebab nak start masuk dapur next week. Dari tu, tertengok pulak pasal weight loss. Dari weight loss ternampak pulak post 'Law of Attraction' kat website tu.
Baru semalam bercakap pasal 'Goal penyebab tindakan'. Hari ini jumpa pulak article pasal Law of Attraction. I guess this is the universe (Allah SWT yang Maha Mendengar) giving me a nudge that I need to reinstate my beliefs about myself. That if you 'wish for it, you can get it'.....
And 'you are what you believe'.....
Sebelum ni jealous tengok posts member-member kat fb. Jealous sebab rasa diri ni loser. Rupanya 'jealousy is when you count other people blessings, and forget yours'. And it is about self confidence.
Sejak kebelakangan ini, selalu tertanya-tanya kenapalah aku ni dok jealous kat orang. Jeles dan menyampah. Memanglah salah satunya sebab kita tengok dia ada apa yang kita takda. Aku sangat bersyukur dengan kehidupan aku sekarang tapi kenapa aku masih lagi jeles?
Tu yang baru tahu jealousy is to do with my confidence in myself.
Lesson learnt
Improve my self confidence and work on my communication to earn little accomplishments in life.
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